Reader X Jacob

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Second request, sounds very lovely
Thank you very much whalegrims

Your POV:
Ok so the Whitetail Mountains wasn't so bad. First off I'm just a soldier working for Jacob. No body cares for me. That's a soldiers role, run into war thinking I'm going to be a big hero, and In the end...all I get is a certificate, famous for a couple of days, and gone within the time being.

Being a soldier is tiring, it's boring. The best thing is being close to Jacob. Even if he's yelling in my face telling me to get my head out of the clouds. His body, his stone cold attitude, his smell. It's all so overwhelming!

I was currently at Elk Jaw Lodge, staring at the judges. I was walking back to my place by the dock until I heard trucks from the entrance. I turned and seen the Resistance. I ran and hid behind the house and started shooting. Sure I'm good with stamina and quick at moving but shooting, ugh. Sounds of guns going off and men shouting. I didn't realize my men were dying off until I turned and seen Rook scouting out the place.

There were too many, the best thing to I took off to the trees and I'm guessing one of the seen me and started shooting. I was hit a couple of times but I knew it was more than once. I hid behind a tree and looked down to see blood. Damn, my last wish was to kiss Jacob or at least hug him, or hold his hand. I got up and started trying to run again.

I ran across the road getting behind a tree again. Panting while gripping my side, I heard another truck, being the curious little shit I am I peaked and seen him..

Jacobs Pov:
Checking out the new judges was probably the most interesting part of my job, I'd rather watch wolves roam around than sign off useless papers. "Sir, there's an attack at Elk Jaw Lodge, over" "I'm on my way, over.....over!" "..." "Dammit, thats the place I sent Y/n to watch over!" I jogged over to my truck and started it up driving to Elk Jaw.

As I was driving, I thought about Y/n, they didn't respond which meant their either dead or taken captive. And the thought about Y/n made me slightly blush, her soft skin, her plump lip, and those eyes. Beautiful pools of E/c. I like being close to her but I don't know if she feels the same. I'm to big and mean. Even if I were to ask and she said no then that would show that I'm weak. I was too focused on Y/n I seen her in the woods just before Elk Jaw.

I pulled over jumped out. "Y/n! " I ran over and seen her slouched against the tree stump. "Where's the others?" "Th-their Gone" she barely grunted out. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just a little bullet" she slowly let go of her hand and looked down to see blood already staining her shirt. I either make a move now or I lose her. Without a second thought I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my truck.

I tended to her wounded while she sat there watching with curious eyes. "Your going to have to Uh, lift up your shirt" "ok" she hesitantly lifted her shirt up just enough to see her stomach. I patched the skin and out of the corner of my eye I seen her staring. I looked up and seen her still looking at me. I slowly ran my fingers up her sides making her squirm. I got to her arms then her hands. I gently grabbed them and held them.

She seemed embarrassed and looked down. I lifted her chin up with my thumb and her innocent eyes, I could get lost in them forever. I slowly leaned in and caught her lips. Her hands gripped mine a little harder and she slowly but roughly kissed back. I backed away as some Peggies came and helped us get back to the VC.

Your POV:
He kissed me. I smiled the rest of the way back. Once we were back at the Center, I then went to my room and changed my dirty shirt into a new one. I grabbed my gun and sung it over my shoulder once again heading out. I was getting ready to leave but one of the peggies came over. "Y/n, Jacob needs you in his office" "on it"

What was he going to do? Kick me out? Make fun of me? Or worse..kill me? I slowed my steps until I was I front of his door. Taking a deep breath I knocked. "3 knocks should be good, no that's to much. How do you knock?"
I started overthinking I didn't realize Jacob was standing in front of me. "In." I stepped in and awkwardly stood there trying not to make eye contact.

He walked to his balcony and stood there, "Culling the herd-" "he's goin to rid of me" I thought as I prepared to be kicked out. "Apparently you know what it means, your a hard one" he walked over to his desk and and leaned over it. "Today you proved your stronger than what I expected" shocked I looked at him. I didn't want to tell him I ran away because I was a coward.

I shifted my stance, I felt his hard gaze on me. He walked over and stood flush against me. My eyes never leaving his, "your just what I need, what I crave. You make me feel... and I don't like it." He growled out. "It feels as if it were to go away is for me to be close to you" "but I'm nothing near your rank" I quietly whispered.

"Babe, ranks isn't why I love you. I love you.. for you" I looked up and his lips landed on mine. I grabbed his jacket  and pulled him closer, if that was even possible. He grabbed my waist and yanked me against him, the kiss felt as it lasted forever.

"You belong to me, you hear that?"


I tried, again thanks for the request. Please comment for suggestions. If you have a request, don't be afraid to message. Thank you all, talk you guys soon*

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