[05] Talk Me Down - 1

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05. Inspired by Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan.
Please play the song while reading!


"Good morning, Tae." I smile at the man who sat beside the bed. He smiles warmly at me before walking to the bathroom like he always do after I woke up. I sit on the bed and stretch my body. It's 7 AM, 1 hour before I have to go to my office. I go to the kitchen to get toast ready with two cups of coffee for both of us. When I finished my breakfast, Taehyung walks out from our bedroom with his bag in his hand

"You go eat the breakfast first. I'm going to get ready." I take a shower, putting on my work clothes, brush my hair, and put on lipstick. After making sure I already put everything in my bag, I left the bedroom and see Taehyung looks down on his phone.

"Tsk tsk, it's still early and your eyes already glued to your phone." I click my tongue at him. I wash our coffee mugs to make sure no dirty dishes are left in the table before we go to work.

"Alright, all clean. Let's go!" I grab my bag while Taehyung already walk out from our apartment. "Damn, can he at least wait for me?" I quickly put on my high heels and leave the apartment. Taehyung stands in front of the elevator but his eyes still locked on his phone. He hasn't push the elevator button. I push the button and check on my phone as well. We enter the elevator together.

"Since tomorrow weekend let's just stay at home. This week I had a lot of job that's need to be done so I think I'll just rest tomorrow." Taehyung only nods at me. Once we reached the ground floor I say goodbye to him since our office is in the opposite direction.

Throughout the day I'm focusing on my work since it's December, means we will have end-year performance report. My work as the head division of marketing is a lot. When it's lunch time I suddenly got a phone call from Jisoo.

"Unnie! Hello!" I put her on speaker so I can continue typing my report while talking to her.

"Hello, Jennie. How are you?"

"I'm fine~ what about you, Unnie?"

"I'm fine too. Is that keyboard sounds that I hear? Am I interrupting your work?"

"No, no that's fine. It's currently lunch time so I supposed to take a break but I want to continue my work. And I put you on speaker so I can talk with you. So what're you want to talk about?" I assure her. Jisoo is working at one of infamous entertainment agency at Korea as the head of planning division.

"Ah nothing urgent, just want to check up on you. Are you free tomorrow? It's been a while since we hang out with the others as well."

"I'm sorry, Unnie... tomorrow me and Tae decided to rest at home. We both got so many works this week so we want to just stay at home tomorrow." I answer her with apologetic tone. The phone goes silent, I check and it's still connected. "Unnie?" I call her when she doesn't talk for a while.

"Oh, okay.... That's fine, Jennie-ah. I have to go now, someone called me. I'll talk to you again soon. Don't forget to answer my call, okay?" Her voice sounds weird, but I just ignored it.

"Okay, Unnie~ Maybe we can meet on Sunday?"

"Alright, I'll inform you later if we can meet on Sunday." We say goodbyes and cut the call. By the time I finish my works it's already 9 PM. I quickly put my stuffs to my bag and leave my office. When I arrived at home, it's still dark. I switch on the living room lamp so I can see the room. I heated up yesterday's dinner leftover and drink a glass of water.

"Is Tae already back?" I peek at the bedroom and see he already sleeping. I smile softly at the scene. I eat my dinner, clean the dishes and turn off the lamps. After changing my clothes and do my before-sleep routine, I slide under the blanket and sigh heavily. Taehyung's breathe echo inside this dark bedroom. I turn my body to him to watch him sleep soundly. His sleeping face looks so peaceful, I smile at him and ignore a pain in my heart before closing my eyes.


The next day, we do our usual routine every time we stay at home. Wake up, eat breakfast, watch tv until lunch, have lunch, read books accompanied with music playing from our speaker with Taehyung's head on my lap because that's what he likes to do, cook dinner and end with us snuggling in front of the tv watching our favourite movie, One Day.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to meet Jisoo-unnie during lunch." I tell him but he just focused on the tv. "I take it as okay, then." I snuggle to the blanket that covered us and focus back to the movie. Around the end of the movie, I unconsciously fell asleep.


"Unnie!" I wave my hand to the woman who just entered the cafe. She looks at me and grins.

"Jennie-ah!" We hug for a moment before taking our seats.

"Let's order food first." while waiting for our food we talk about our work. "How's Jin-oppa? It's been a while since I met him, Tae also never talked about him as well." I see how Jisoo freezes at my question. Our food come when she stays silent.


"Hmm, why Unnie?" Something about the tone of her voice makes me don't want to hear whatever she's going to say next. I stir my spaghetti to mix the sauce.

"Jennie, look at me."

"Yeah?" I look up at her. Her eyes full of sadness.

"Jennie, Taehyung already left you, remember?"

"What are you talking about, Unnie? He still live with me at our apartment." I look away from her.

"Jennie, he left you a month ago, remember? He's at Paris now. You already broke up with him."

"What Paris? He's still living with me." Jisoo clasps my hand, I freeze and look at her eyes. Her eyes start to glistened.

"Jennie, listen to me. Taehyung already left. What you see is only fragments of your memories with him. He left you." I try to pull my hand from her hand but her grip harder.

"No.. no."

"Jennie, please."

"NO!" I yank my hand free. Some people were looking at our table now. "I'm going home now. Taehyung is waiting for me. This is for my food." I put some money on the table.

"Jennie!" I left the cafe quickly and walk to my apartment since the distance is close. My heart is beating loudly. I open the door and frantically looking for Taehyung.

"Tae?! Taehyung?!? Where are you?" I enter the bedroom but didn't see him there, I look at the living room again and see him reading a book on the sofa. I slowly sit beside him. I turn my face to stare at him.

"Tae, today Unnie said something weird. She said that you already left me to Paris. Isn't that random?" He stays silent while keeping his gaze on the book. "She said that you are only an illusion from my memories." I keep talking to him. My eyes start to feel hot.

"Please, talk to me. You are real, right? You're still here, right?" Taehyung becomes blurry because of the tears.

"Please, say something. You're not my imagination right?" Taehyung starts to look at me, he still have that smile on his face. But my heart hurt so much at his smile. Because deep down I know that he's not real and I refuse to accept it.

"Please say something..."

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