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Aiko's POV

My back slams into the hard pavement, rock debris and dust raise into the air causing me to choke.

"Wow Aiko your surprisingly still alive considering that your mother is now 10x stronger than you are, and that magic restricting handcuffs are still on." Nathan says as he takes notes.

I knee mom in the face to get her off of me. She barely budges and she hoist me up. "Ngh." I try to grab her face to put me down but she slams me down on the ground again.

"Nathan I'm getting quite bored why don't we just end her nowww." Yumi whines.

"Not yet dear sister, we haven't gone to the good stuff yet." Nathan pats his sisters head.

"I will..kill..you both.." I say barely above a whisper. My voice was hoarse and dry. I had no energy to move or scream.

Mom slams my head into the ground again, with no emotion. She was really gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Now Y/N show what you can really do." Nathan says proudly.

Mom gets herself off the ground and black wings start to sprout from her back, her eyes become darker and horns started to come out of her head.

I could barely move from the genuine fear. I wanted to cry and scream and run. "M-Mom.." I sniffle.

"Mom please...please don't hurt me." I began to cry, I haven't cried like this in so long. I just wanted her back I didn't want to hurt anymore.


There was silence.


Your POV

My mind was dark and my body was in pain. I couldn't control anything.

"I just want my body BACK!" You began to shout in your mind.

Then you began to see a light. A bright figure who looks familiar.

Then the familiar voice of Aiko.

"Mom please..please don't hurt me.."

A bright silhouette of Aiko comes into your vision. She's glowing brightly, so bright that you can't even tell if she has clothes on or not. Tears began to form in your eyes, your shadowy figure reached out for hers and the two of you hugged.

You started to glow and went back to normal.

You come back to reality, you turn around slowly and look back at Nathan and Yumi. "You both are cowards...truly."

"How is this possible?!" Nathan shouts. "I gave her some of my magic while you two weren't looking, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and was able to transfuse some magic to her." Aiko begins to slowly get herself up.

You had wings and were in your dragon force form. "This ends now!" You shout.

"Sun dragon Sun Burst!" You punch Yumi and Nathan straight into the wall. While they're down you break the handcuffs off of Aiko and help her up. "I'm so sorry!" You hug her and kiss her forehead.

"I'm just glad your back..." Aiko gives a weak smile. Her blonde hair was out of its regular ponytail and her bangs were a mess.

The sweet reunion was cut short, you hear Yumi yell out a piercing scream. Her and Nathan both arise from the wall they were both purple and had yellow glowing eyes. Yumi'a short hair was now long and flowing like flames on a candle. Nathan's body was now muscly and he was bigger than before.

He removed his glasses slowly and crushed them. "Your right..."

His now deeper voice says.

"Oh my god." Aiko says breathless.

"This ends now!" Yumi screams.

You were both in for it now...

I haven't uploaded in SO LONG
I'm so sorry for not updating life just got super hectic!
But thank you all for being super patient with me!! ❤️

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