Life at home

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(The whole story is going to be in Draco's point of view)

I was finishing my potions homework for proffesor Slughorns class and was thinking about the next year.

Ever since the war my life has changed alot, everyone knows who I am since my father funded alot for the ministry and everyone hated me for becoming a death eater.

I didn't want to become a death eater for Voldemort but my father forced me to, now I had that cursed mark on my left arm and hated it with a passion.

The ministry decided that my father was not guilty and was under the imperio curse so they only put him under house-arrest. I, however, was forced by the ministry to go back to finish my 7th year at Hogwarts or, as some people like to call it, 8th year.

The door in my room opened and I could feel my fathers cold gaze on me. I watched in the cornor of my eye as my father inched closer to me, I looked up at him.

"Yes father?" I questioned

He scanned the room and then proceeded to look back at me.

"Since when were you aloud to have you room this filthy, clean it up right now." He said angrily

I looked around and saw a pile of dirty clothes on the ground, I promptly grabbed it and put it in the dirty clothes bin. My father looked at me with a glare.

"If I find your room in such a state again then you will be punished."

"Yes father" I said with a sigh.

"Did you just sigh at me Malfoy?" He said angrily

"Of course not father, I am sorry father" I said fearfully

"Good, now continue with your studies," He said looking satisfied with himself for causing me to fear him. He loved to come into my room, yell at me for little reasons, and then leave. He most likely did it out of boredom since he was not allowed outside and he hated muggle objects such as tv's.

I sighed once he left glad it was one of his good days and he just wanted to shout at me. I picked up my quill and continued with my studies for the upcoming school year.

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