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‘Kaz, what happened,’ Josh sunk to his knees next to her.

‘My ankle,’ she groaned. ‘I’ve sprained it...hurts like hell,’ she breathed heavily.

‘Kaz, can we help you back to the bed?’ Ms. Shaw spoke softly.

It was only then that Kaz looked up and observed Ms. Shaw and her boyfriend. Her eyes narrowed accusingly as they returned to Josh.

Why did he have to bring Ms. Shaw and her boyfriend?

‘Sorry,’ Josh murmured. ‘It was too far for me to cycle and my dad is out of town.’

‘I was trying to get to the bathroom,’ Kaz looked up at Ms. Shaw.’

‘Let me help you up,’ Ms Shaw stepped forward.

‘Perhaps Kaz should not put pressure on it,’ Ryan suggested. Ms Shaw stopped where she was.

‘Let me call an ambulance,’ Josh hauled out his cell phone.

‘No!’ Kaz instructed. ‘No ___hospital.’

‘But Kaz, you need medical attention,’ Josh urged.

‘It’s just a sprain,’ she looked away. ‘I was a bit woozy as I got out of bed. I slipped and twisted my ankle.’

‘How long have you been lying here?’ Josh exclaimed, somewhat annoyed. His frustration directed at Kaz’s uncaring guardian.

Kaz looked at her bedside clock. ‘About three hours,’ she lied. She’d actually been on the floor, for much longer. She called out to her guardian for help, but she could not be bothered, said she was late for work. Kaz was thirsty, dehydrated and starving.

‘Help me get Kaz to the bathroom door,’ Ms. Shaw pleaded to Ryan. ‘I’ll assist her from there.’

Ryan lowered himself closer to Kaz. ‘Try to get your arm around my neck please Kaz,’ he tried supporting from the other side of Ms. Shaw.

‘I’ll manage from here,’ Kaz hobbled on one foot inside the bathroom. ‘Thank you, Ms. Shaw.’

‘Please be careful Kaz,’ Ms. Shaw gently touched her shoulder.

‘Okay,’ Kaz nodded, as she closed the door.

Ms Shaw walked into the kitchen to make Kaz something to eat. She observed Kaz looked a bit faint. She opened the refrigerator and found cheese and lettuce. She slapped them onto two sandwiches and switched on the kettle. She scratched through the cupboards, found a bottle of aspirins, put two on a side plate and set up the tea pot and sandwiches for Kaz on a tray.

When she returned to the bedroom, she found Josh helping Kaz back into bed. Ryan was standing there feeling and looking helpless. Ms. Shaw looked around at the room and found it looked like any typical teenager’s room. Discarded clothes that should have been on hangars were thrown on the floor or were hanging on the bottom of the bed frame. There was a glass and an empty plate, probably from the last meal that Kaz had eaten, which Ms. Shaw suspected were many hours ago, perhaps even last night.

‘I’ve made you a light snack,’ Ms. Shaw smiled.

‘Thank you,’ Kaz gulped down half the tea thirstily. She reached out hungrily for the sandwich and gobbled it down with haste. Ms. Shaw smiled encouragingly and poured Kaz more tea.

‘Kaz,’ Ryan spoke as she continued to devour her sandwiches. ‘Your ankle needs to be attended to.’

‘No doctor,’ she spoke with her mouth full and shook her head vigorously.

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