Chapter 4: Eyes Shmeyes

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Eyes are the windows to the world. It's important to keep it healthy and taken cate of.

-Eat lots of vegies and fruits. Especially carrots. It has bete carotene w/c is extremeley helpful in maintaininh healthy eyes.

-If u wear contact lenses, avoid wearing them for more than 19 hrs. Don'r wear glasses too long either, especially 3D glasses.

-Put a slice of cucumber on your eyes for 10 mins before going to sleep. It prevents puffiness and eyebags.

-Wear UV protective sunglasses. And I mean polarized lenses. They protect your eyes from the sun. Just like your skin and pretty much everything else on your body, it can also get sun damaged amd can cause eye damage in later years.

-Don't stare at a computer too long! Although it hasn't been scientifically proven that comp. screens cause permanentveye damage, it DOES eye strain and dry eyes. It can cause muscle fatigue in the eyes.

-Don't read in dim light.

-Don't look at a bright light directly.

-Don't rub your eyes too much.

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