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My phone beeps, showing me that I have a message from my friend, Jimin.

'Taetae are you ready? I'll come to pick you up in 30 minutes. Don't miss me too much^^'

I let out a small chuckle. Jimin is the only one in our group that I feel comfortable talking to. He is kind and friendly. But I never told him about my past tho.

'Okay Chim!' I write back.

Today at school my friends insisted that I go to the bar with them. And even though I told them 'no' multiple times, they told me that if I don't come they'll "drag my lazy ass there".

Some nice friends I have...

It's not like I don't want to go with them or something... I don't mind spending my time away from this hell hole that I live in. It's just that I'm afraid of what I would do if I get drunk.

Most people get very happy and joyful when they drink, but I'm not like that... I'm quite the opposite.

When I drink, I become extremely emotional, and I start remembering all of my depressing memories. I also begin crying and even cutting myself, and I haven't done that in a while.

I already have many countless scars on my body because of my dad and Jungkook, and I really don't wanna add new ones on my already bruised skin.

I'm also afraid of getting emotional and breaking down in front of my friends... I'm sure that they will leave me after knowing the real me. And I don't think that I can handle being alone.

But in the end I had to agree with them- they didn't leave me a choice anyways.

So here I am, standing in front of my mostly-empty closet, thinking about what to wear. I don't have a lot of clothes. I would rather spend the few money that I have on my food- I really don't want to die from hunger.

After a few minutes of thinking I decide to wear a black sweater that covers my bruises, with some black ripped jeans.

Boring clothes, I know...

The 'ding dong!' coming from the front door informs me that Jimin is here.
(A/N: I had to put Kook's Ding Dong here lol-)

Thankfully, my father isn't home. Jimin is the only one between my friends who knows where I live.

I rush to open the door, to see a smiling Jimin behind it. I give him one of my best fake smiles, and we head to the bar, talking about nothing in particular on our way.

When we reach there, we find our other friends Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok waiting for us. After greeting each other, we walk inside the bar. Namjoon and Jin go to bring some drinks, and the rest of us start roaming around the bar to find a good place to sit in.

This night is going to fine... I think. I should just forget about everything and have fun...

But of course, karma is a bitch, and dear life doesn't want me to be happy.

So as I am walking with Jimin and the others, my eyes catch the sight of someone familiar-

Too familiar...

I freeze.

Are my eyes playing games with me?!

(A/N) Hmmmmm... So who do you think it is??

Jungkook or Tae's father? ;)

Another long chapter haha^^

I really don't know what to write here so...


Thanks for reading this crappy fanficton uwu 💜

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