Domestic Violence on Men in Asian Culture

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I turned my car towards right and the blindness along with the question mark disappeared.
Now I was on my way back to a place which is a place where I will be a victim of serious domestic Violence if I couldn't come up with an acceptable reason of my desperate action.
Someone wondering how I will be a victim of Domestic Violence and also harassment which may effect my primary needs?
Well various actions are available...
Over dosage of salt in the food
Melted home made ice cream
Non availability of tea
Non circular "parathay"
Wild glares
And many more...
And then I will miss the very expensive luxury asian men are privileged with for their entire life...
An extremely good tea in the middle of the night within seconds of placement of the order...
Well finally I realized that the scientist who has developed the technology to track me without a gadget will definitely have a lie detection sensor. So I decided to tell the truth.
Now I was relaxed. I tried many innocent styles of saying sorry but none of them were upto the mark. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that a man was sitting on the driving seat whose face seems like the face of a bankrupt person. Or a widow who now has 12 babies to take care of.
And then I realized that I was looking at my self. This realization made me relax. I knew that with this face her anger will melt. And even if I may not get a cup of tea in the evening, there are now chances that i will get less salty food in the dinner.
But to my surprise when I reached the gate. I saw a women wearing sun glasses and holding 9 bags and a juice can, smiling at me.
"Oh please don't leave me, don't go like that, I'm so sorry" all the planning was gone as I felt she decided to ditch me forever.
"Stupid, I am going with you" she said and jumped inside the car and left me with 9 bags.
"Where do you think you are going that requires 09 bags"
"Hunzaaaa..." She shouted and it was now confirmed that she knows black magic otherwise how could she know my plans?
"How do you know that I was planning to go to hunza and by the way how did you know even that I am planning to go"
"Well last night when for the forth time you said some sweet words for you boss and you were continuously holding your finger with the other hand i realized that its time to go" she smiled... Yes a very attractive one.
"Are you a spy?"
"A lover" she said and shy away. The mix thats freely available in Pakistani beauty.
"Are they synonyms?"
"No spies are junior level"
And finally when some how I was able to compress each bag in the trunk we were on our way to the place I love.

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