Minecraft II

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As I was dropped into the world of survival I had a scared yet excited feeling. The first thing I saw was a pink blocky thing. I pressed right trigger it not knowing what it was. It squealed and ran away. I think I punched it on accident. I felt horrible so ran away (once I figured out how to) and fell into a ditch. It hurt a lot and I lost half of my hearts. I found that a bar with chicken legs was running out and I couldn't run anymore. That must be my food bar I thought to myself. I have to eat something and it is getting rather dark. I must find food but I could bring myself to kill a animal. I was slowly walking around when I came across a cluster of houses with odd looking people inside. I punched what looked like I don't know and a orange something popped out of the ground. I some how ended up holding it and I pressed all the buttons I saw, trying to eat it. The last button I press is left trigger. I hear a munching sound and my health bar goes up 5 chicken legs.

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