Chapter 7

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"What on earth happened to your face?" Verna went straight to the refrigerator and got an ice pack. "What was all the shouting about and breaking glass?"

I flopped down and pressed the pack against my jaw.

"Could I get some of this loose in a glass with vodka? I was ambushed."

"What do you mean?"

Two refills and a fresh ice pack later Verna was sitting staring at me with disbelieving eyes. She let the necklace slide over her hand in silent wonder.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, not bad for little over a million bucks."

Her eyes grew wider. "A million . . ."

"Try it on. See how that much money around your neck feels."

"No." She handed it back. I guessed the killing attached to it wasn't that attractive.

"Are you going to the police?"

"What! No. What for?"

"That Carlos man! You said they were going to send him fishing."

"No police. The Smythe-Fryes and or the Druids would have what's left of me for a throw rug."

She tilted my face to the side and examined the swelling.

"It's calmed a bit. The bruise I can hide with some concealer if you want." She sat back and looked at me. "Hart, I think you are making a big mistake. What difference does it make to you how this family resolves its personal problems?"

"Well the upfront payment of two large retainers for one."

"But you solved it. Just tell Bennett what'shisname what you found and call it closed."

"I think the uh, Druids would find that option unacceptable."

"Then go to the police, Hart!" She sucked her teeth and stood up from the sofa. "Honestly, what is it that you think you can do?"

She was right. Give Bennett the necklace and let the cops deal with the Druids and the Smythe-Frye family meltdown. They were already involved because of Rodney. Still . . .

"I know that look, Hart. You're going ahead with your Wizard of Oz hat on thinking you can save the world."


"Oh never mind. The point is, you aren't going to the police are you?"

"I can't, Vern. Sorry."

A huge sigh, a 'what's the use' body language demonstration and she sat down again, digging in her purse for her concealer.

"I'll do this then I have to go."

"You don't need-"

"Quiet. You can't go visiting clients looking like that." She began my repairs ignoring the protest.

"I wanted to thank you for driving, Verna. I shouldn't have involved you at all."

"Hold still or it'll be in your mouth. There. Okay, I'm off to work. Please don't do anything else stupid."

"Are you calling me stupid or anything else you don't want me to do?"

"Dwell on it, Hart. Bye." She left with a tiny wave and a grim smile.


The call to James Cord pretty well put paid to the case. He told me he asked his source at the insurance company to quietly drop the money request, since they couldn't get the necklace from a dead Luther, and they would let Bennett try and make a claim through normal channels.

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