Scaring infamouse people #2

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Ok, I'm gonna continue on this story since you guys made me glad that someone like my story! But I dont know when the next chapter is gonna be but it will be soon, I cant promise you that, I cant hold promises.

Anyway hope you like this chapter and give me some love? no? yes? I dont know but one thing I'm gonna say before you read is .................. ENJOY!!!!



Drake: They are in panic, of course they can't shut up, Mask!

Mask: Well sorry for wanting to kill them in hurry, Drake!

Drake: Don't say sorry to me, you made this mess, you right it up again!

Mask: Fine!

While Mask were righting this mess up, Drake were checking out the butt to Mask in secret. Not such a good idea since Mask is a assassin after all so she can feel when somebody is looking at her. But she didn't care, she like Drake a little bit more then a friend ........... don't ask why!

Mask: Ok, I'm done with the blood now its only the bodies left!

Drake: ..........

Mask: What? is it the blood and the bodies or?

Drake: I'm not even gonna answer that.

Mask: ok suit yourself, Drake

*After some while*

Mask: *sight* why was it so hard to hide the bodies in the closet? ....... I don't know, I don't care!

Mary: Are you ok, Mask?

Mask: Yeah .......... Do you want to play, Mary?

Mary: Can we play? *says with a smile*

Mask: *nodds* Yeah, why not!

Mary: Thank you Mask, the other guys don't want tp play with me because I'm little.

Mask: Well who cares what the other think about, let's just play!


*After 3-4 hours later*

Mask: that ...... was ........ fun!

Mary: Yeah ....... your ........right!

Mask: It was funny when one of them ran to a tree, hehehe

Mary: It was funnier when the other guy went into the water and screamed because of the squids that were there.

Mask: Your right, Mary!

Mary: Finally someone is agreeing with me!

Mask:*laughing so hard*

Mary: What's so funny?

Mask: *laughing more then ever*

Mary: fine don't tell me! *turning away from Mask*

Mask: I-I'm s-sorry M-Mary, I'm calm now, ok sorry for laughing at you. That was mean, I know but can't you help it to be mean once in a while to your friends when your a killer?

Mary: *laughs a little* Your right, it is funny to be mean to your friends when your a killer!


Ok, this the end of this chapter! If you see a picture beside the story its how Drake is looking like and if you can't see it then search this: anime boy with black hair and red eyes and then go to 10 rank number 2, ok? 


Angel TM


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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