the letter

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elizabeth got out of the car and looked at the man next to her

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elizabeth got out of the car and looked at the man next to her. she was happy to be with him. "can i walk you to the door milady?" ryan then offered his hand to elizabeth. she took it and they walked up to the door together "thank you for tonight ryan. i'm happy that i got to spend my birthday with you" ryan smiled while looking into her eyes "i'm glad you had a good time babe"

elizabeth found herself lost in his eyes. she was so happy with him. ryan pulled her into a hug and whispered "i love you lizzy" elizabeth smiled into his neck "i love you too ry." she broke the hug and gave ryan a kiss. after a moment ryan broke the kiss "goodnight elizabeth" "goodnight ryan"

she walked inside and up to her room and found christopher sitting on her bed. "have fun?" he had a playfully curious look on his face "i did actually. thank you for asking" his expression got a little bit serious "can i ask you something liz?" elizabeth got a little nervous but remained calm "shoot" he took a breath in "do you like hyde?" elizabeth almost broke. "why would you ask me that chris?" "you guys have been spending a lot of time together. i didn't think you guys were close like that. also he was talking about you earlier."

elizabeth got very curious "really? what did he say?" "why do you care so much?" christopher became suspicious of her "do you like him liz?" elizabeth didn't know whether to tell her brother the truth or lie her way out "no chris. i already told you this. i'm with ryan" she didn't like lying to her brother but she didn't know what else to do. "whatever. i don't know what he said by the way. i walked in and they stopped talking"

elizabeth was disappointed that she didn't know what he said but didn't make it obvious "that's okay. i didn't care that much anyway. goodnight chris" and she gave her brother a kiss on the cheek "night liz...oh and happy birthday" he smiled and walked out of the room.

elizabeth closed her door and walked over to her bed. she put on her comfy clothes and got into bed. she turned on the lamp next to her bed and saw the envelope hyde gave her. she picked it up and opened it. she smiled at the picture of the two of them together and stood it up using her lamp. she noticed the letter and began to read it.

happy birthday. sorry i couldn't get you anything fancy and nice, edna wouldn't give me any money. anyway, i can't believe i've known you for fifteen years. we've been friends since we were two. you've always been there for me and stuff. i know we've never been all that close but i guess i kind of care about you. your a pretty cool person and your like kind of hot or whatever if i ignore all the lame school stuff you talk about; even though you talk about school a lot. anyway, i think it'd be cool if we hung out some time. not on a date or anything but just to get to know each other or whatever. don't tell the gang about this. i don't want them knowing i have a heart. well i'm gonna stop writing before i tell you something i'd regret. happy birthday 'sweetheart'.
steven hyde

elizabeth just stared at the letter smiling. she ignored the part when he called her hot but it was sweet. she reread the letter at least ten times. she was curious about the end. what did he mean by tell her something he'll regret.

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