The Prologue

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My best friend.

Today... yesterday...

My only friend...

Eyes... his eyes aren't blue... why are they...

I see.

"Hmph, dobe." I feel myself spurt out these words, not thinking of them before they spill out of my mouth.

"And hello to you too, Mr.  Sassyke." The response hit my head and filled it with longing...

"Don't you dare call my Sasuke-Kun sassy Naruto!" Sakura screeched. 

And my head ached once more.

Sakura... why was she... Why did she...

How did I...

Why am on the rooftop again?

The same hospital...

I turned around, expecting to see my hole leaking out water... only to find him looking at me.

Blue eyes yet again. He looked so... happy. So anxious to finally fight...

The Chidori begun in my hand before I figured out what happened. The Rasengan was in his...

The water rushing... What a wonderful sound. It's so peaceful... so beautiful. Hearing the water crash against the concrete, hearing it wash over the world with not a single second of hesitation...

I closed my eyes. Focusing on the noise until it disappeared.

It wasn't gone for long.

"Sasuke, the next time we fight, I'm going to be the victor!" That same voice...

I can't believe it...

It sounds so happy...

Was I ever actually that happy?

I can't imagine it...

The rushing water came back, so I opened my eyes again.

Sasuke's red eyes met mine.

His black tomoe glaring at my irises. My brain attempted to lull itself to sleep in his eyes, but his manipulation got him nowhere.

My skin felt fried. The red aura around me was chewing me apart. My limbs were burning and aching... I haven't felt like this since...

My skin is peeling off like wet paper. My focus on the fight was lost, as I focus on my needless injuries. My hands felt the ground, and my movement became more feral. I don't plan on opening my eyes though, I don't want to see what's happening...

For the first time in a while, my hand stopped propelling me forward. Rather, it started manifesting chakra, forcing it into my hand at levels I had never felt before. 

The Rasengan, if you could even call it that, felt so powerful. Surely this was overkill...

If I hit Sasuke with this...

I'd be bringing home a corpse...

I forced my eyes open.

The rocks on the hilltop were shaken and moved. The water that was gushing so proudly has stalled. Yet the waterfall kept going. It sounded like a thousand birds were leaving the area... Sasuke was using his Chidori on me again...

It felt so natural.

My body relaxed under the world. No longer was I in a fight, but rather I was in nature once more. As I was when I was a child... the nature is the only thing that could love someone like me.

I looked at Sasuke. I smiled at him. Hoping with all hope that he'd smile back and we'd walk home talking about life.

Hope isn't on my side.

It never was...

He jumped at me. His Chidori ready to be shoved into my body. I jumped at him, hoping that Kakashi would intervene like he did at the hospital.

I could feel that he wasn't around...

I aimed my Rasengan to his Chidori to cancel it out... but my Rasengan was going to be too strong...

It was the red chakra, it made the Rasengan too strong...

I pulled back my arm, half expecting Sasuke to do the same. 

He didn't...

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