Chapter 3

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Oliver's POV

I wake up to a ringing sound and it's pitch black outside. I look over to see Rose still sleep. My mind still recollecting what happened earlier. I'll have to ask Roses brother about why he came on so early. But for now I have to stop that horrible ringing in my ears.

I go over to my dirty clothes hamper. I found my loves shorts. I look through it to find my mates phone blowing up of text messages, voicemail, and missed calls from Mia threatening to kill him if he ever got close to me. I could tell it was her because it was under the name. "Captain save a hoe" and I used to call her that all the time. I swear, she just doesn't understand that I will never pick her over Rose. He comes before everything.

I almost put his shorts down but I feel something else in there. I dug my hand into the pocket and pulled out was in the there.

It was a razor.

Rose POv----------

"TOBIAS GET YOUR ASS UP." Oli yells. I start to wake still a little horny and in pain. Wait who's Tobias. Oh yeah thats my old name.

"Yes Daddy." I say with a scared tone in my voice.

"Don't daddy me, you know your getting punished for having this. Let me see your arms." I show him my arms which have no cuts on it. Thank the moon goddess I heal semi-fast or I would be dead.

Knowing I wasn't off the hook I try to sit up, but I was yanked back down by something I didn't realize was around my neck. Shit he chained me. I see him step towards to me with anger in his eyes. I close my eyes ready for the hit to come but it never did. Instead everything in the room started floating and Oli's arms were around my body.

I think i'm in a dream because there's no way this should be happening. There's all of Oliver's furniture in the air with sparkle the same colors as my eyes surrounding them and Oli. And the most scary part about this is the look on Oli's face. He's holding me which isn't unusual but he seems so happy and calm. When he is usually so stressed and annoyed.

I start to calm down and everything starts to fall back in place lightly. I though I was okay till I felt a slap to my ass. And a kiss on my head. Causing another moan. Me and Oliver stood there shocked. That didn't stop my punishment though.

Olivers POV============•======

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. I feel so calm and man am I horny I could take Rosy right here and now. But he's not getting away with having this razor in his pocket.

I unhook his chain ever so slightly. And set it on my dresser. I grabbed the collar remote and I patted my lap for my baby to come sit on it. "What did you do wrong today Rosy," I say with a little anger in my voice. He sits on my lap facing towards me on purpose.

"I'm sorry Daddy." He pleads. I take off the collar and replace it with my hands that perfectly wrap around his neck.

"Toby don't try that trick with me. You won't get away easy this time." I whisper seductively as I tighten grip around his neck. "Now what did you do wrong." No answer. I let go of his neck realizing he was not gonna answer. "You have to say something." Still no response. I grabbed the collar to put it back on him. He grabbed my hand and snatched the collar. He's gotta be out of his damn mind.

"I can do it myself." He said with tears in his eyes. I stare at him confused. He puts the collar on and stares at me with a scary look in his eyes. Just by that look I can tell whoever this is wasn't my rosy. He picked up the shock controller and pressed the button. Without a single flinch. I looked at him in disbelief.

I went to grab the shock controller but he smacked my hand. I tried to grab it again but this time I couldn't move. It was like my body was chained by air. I look into rosy's eyes and they look like they were changing colors from his regular blue and white eyes to dark blue and silver. He had an evil look in his eyes.

He pressed the button again. Not a single flinch. I tried to scream at him to stop but I couldn't say a single word. He started laughing. He started to hold the button. He held on to the button until he passed out.

I was able to move again. I started to cry like a baby. Instead of checking to see if my rosy was okay I cried. I'm such a punk. I slapped myself and got myself together. I picked rose up bridal style and ran to the pack doctor. I hope my baby is gonna be okay.
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