Chapter 33- The Man in the Mirror •

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Hey, I'm alive... still here, still breathing...


A seven year old brunette weakly stood up, trying to raise her battered arms

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A seven year old brunette weakly stood up, trying to raise her battered arms. She was in a grey room with an automatic door and a huge 2 way mirror. The room was made for enhanced individuals, and the poor girl was by no means enhanced. She was just a child- a short, fragile child with noodle arms- but what did that matter to the cruel men sitting outside the room, waiting for her to achieve what they sought.

The girl knew what the men wanted, but she had no idea how to give it to them About a year ago, they had started increasing the dosage of her injections- just pumping those icky chemicals in her blood, pumping, pumping, pumping- and now, they were waiting for results. They waited and waited and waited, forcing her to fight robots, agents that were way out of her league- she was, after all, just a small girl with huge eyes that always seemed to shine with tears and hope that maybe someday she would be free- and beat her down if she couldn't fight them. She tried to fight, she did, but the fights had only ever resulted in a broken girl, teetering on the edge of depression, trying so hard not to give up and just let go- never the enhancements they so desperately wanted. Until one day...

A sickening crack sounded in the room as her body connected with the wall. Slowly blinking away the tears, she got up, wincing as she shifted her weight away from her bad leg. Her eyelids were starting to get heavy- she wanted to sleep, to rest so bad- but she knew the men wouldn't let her go until they got the results they desired.

Steeling herself, she inhaled deeply, willing away tha pain. Before she had a chance to compose herself, the man- Zul Trevil- was back on her raining punches on her frail body mercilessly.

Conciousness slowly starting to fade, she tried one last thing. She screamed as loud as she could- so loud she thought the mirrors would shatter.

"Enough!" A voice diverted Zul's attention from the girl.

Zul slowly got up, almost robotically, and quietly left the room. The girl sat up and scrambled to the end of the room. Looking for the source of the voice- the cruel, cruel voice she despised- she backed away from the tall, huge man that had suddenly appeared before her.

He was behind it- the experiment. He was the monster that made her go through this hell every day, torturing her, breaking her, without feeling an ounce of sympathy or, god forbid, pity, for the poor child he had destroyed. She was just another test subject in his eyes- an object, not a living, breathing, human child. He objectified her- and for that reason, she hated him with every inch of her being. That's not to say she wasn't scared of him- the man freaked the fuck out of her.

"You should have already experienced some kind of abnormality" He said calmly, but the anger in his eyes told the girl another story. "You failed, 35H-GQ"

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