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" A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know. "

Diane Arbus

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AFTER THE DISCOVERY OF Lila's life in the photographic collage, Morgan, Elle, and Gideon all left to question Spencer's high school friend. It had been a little over a half-hour since they left. They were supposed to call once they had any leads, but so far they hadn't heard a word.

Caroline sat quietly beside Lila on the couch while Spencer paced across the living room, murmuring to himself. The young actress's eyes followed him warily.

"Does—does he always do this?" Lila's soft voice asked.

Caroline glanced up at her, resting her elbows on her knees as she furrowed her brow at her. "I'm sorry?"

She nodded her head towards the twitchy young doctor. Caroline managed to be able to look at him for a second before her chest seized up again.

"Yeah, he—uh, talks to himself when he gets nervous," she murmured as she stared at her hands. "Helps him think through things."

Lila stared at her thoughtfully for a moment before nodding and returning back to watching Spencer pace. Caroline took a shaky breath, trying to recollect herself.

She knew she had no right to be upset but she couldn't stop herself. When she found Spencer in the pool kissing Lila, her heart felt like it had been ripped in half. The pain that blossomed in her chest felt like that .22 caliber bullet that had torn through the previous victims. It was wild, uncontrolled, and it had bounced around in chest like a pinball. She never thought she could feel such heartache.

But she wasn't mad. How could she be? Lila had expressed her interest in her best friend early on and it was obvious that Spencer felt something for her too. He deserved to be happy and she wasn't going to stand in the way of that. She just had never thought how painful it would be if Spencer finally did find someone he could be happy with. Someone he could love.

God, it was so painful to even look at him now, much less speak to him. Every time she sees those brown eyes, her heart stops and she forgets how to breathe. All she can see now when she looks at Spencer is how he held Lila and kissed her so gently, so caringly just like he had with Caroline a year ago.

But things were different now. A year ago, Caroline was able to stuff down all those ugly feelings of fear, loathing, and self-doubt. She was also able to forget about her feelings for her best friend as well. Now, things aren't so simple.

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