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When they say burying a body is hard work.. it's not a lie. Wiping off the sweat off my forehead as I put the last of the dirt and patted it down with the shovel. This damn boy was heavy. It wasn't suppose to get this far. But he decided to make fun of me. So in turn I snapped his neck. It was an accident. I sort of blacked out when it happened. When I came to he was on the ground not moving!. Quickly coming up with a solution. Good thing my parents were so focused on Salem that it was easy for me leave the house.

Standing there just looking at this shallow grave. If only he didn't make fun of me... he would be alive. I always tell people stop making fun of people cause you never know what they're thinking. I may be quiet but I have a very, very short temper. Not with summer though. I would never hurt her. If anything I want to save her from all the bad people in the world. But then that'll mean I would have to kill a whole lot of people. These woods can't hold all those people.

Walking back to Ryan's car... I disposed of the shovel and drove back home. He doesn't even know I took it. When I got back inside Harlow side eyed me "hey buddy! Why are you so dirty and stinky? Playing in dirt were we?".

"Told you I was planting flowers" I said.

She nodded "you know now I'm offended. First Salem and now you. Do I really look that dumb?".

"Harlow don't you have something else to do rather than scold me?" I asked.

"Actually I don't! So who did you kill?!" She asked. Shaking my head "I have no idea what you're talking about but I need a shower so..."

"Of course you do! I would need one too if I just buried a body" she said. Ignoring what she said I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I'm not a murderer. Just had to protect what's mine.



Sitting here sharpening my knives. I haven't killed anyone in years. Actually I even forgot I killed before. That part of my life was over. Didn't feel the need to take anyone out. My anger may get out of hand but not to the extent of killing someone. Back in the day I wouldn't hesitate.

Looking outside my window I noticed my car wasn't in the spot I had originally parked it in. Weird. Seeing Kai coming out drying his hair "hey did you move my car?".

He nodded "yeah I had to go do something". Harlow walked by "he went to kill someone and used your car to do it. Accessory". Kai sighed "can you leave me alone?!".

"What is she talking about?" I asked. When we killed back in the day... Kai wasn't the one for it. He would watch but rarely would he be hands on.

"Who knows! Too much television" he said.

"Oh well just wanted to make sure it was you" I said. He came into my room and sat on my bed "so what's up with Kennedy?".

I shrugged "she has rules for me to follow in order for us to get back together".

"Wow! Too controlling?" He asked.

"You too? I didn't see myself as controlling" I said.

"Yeah you held a tight grip on Kennedy. Just like dad and mom. But you see where that went after many many times".

"True! Damn... women stress me out" I joked.

"Be like me! Summer and I are great. She's my world" he said.

"Kai that's cute and all but I'm not like that. You're all mushy and shit... I'm more of a hard ass. You know it's hard for me to show my emotions. But Kennedy is the only girl who brought that side out of me" I said.

"Well take it day by day and change little by little. It anything she'll notice the change" he said. Damn even Kai had some good insight. Seeing some heavy dirt Kai was getting from under his nails.

"What the hell were you doing? Playing in dirt?" I asked.

"Something like that" he joked. He got up and walked out the room. I continued to sharpen my knives so it was nice and sharp for when we find this asshole and take him out.

Secret Mistake - 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora