Amazon Dildos and Oblivious Owners

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Minho stared at the brown cardboard box, eyes squinting in interest. He had ordered his new...toy, a few weeks ago. The cat hybrid had completely forgotten about it in that time, much more focused on his day to day adventures of napping and begging his owner, Chan, to buy him take out from the Chinese place a few blocks away.

   Now, with the box sitting a few feet away from him, he couldn't help but blush at the memory of buying it.

   The kitten got his first heat several months ago. Grimacing as he remembered the unbearable hotness spreading across his slim body, the never-ending need to just 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧 turning him into a whimpering, crying mess.

   His first time in heat was thankfully shortened by his owner's pity on him. He doesn't remember much from it besides the feeling of relief flooding his body once they both had their release. After that, they both acted as if it didn't happen, instead opting to get Minho heat suppressants to help him through his heats.

   But the boy was intrigued, not being able to remember the feeling of his owner stretching him open and fucking him relentlessly.

   So, he decided that next time he was in heat, he would have that help again.

   Not from Chan, oh no, he didn't want to go through that period of awkwardness again. Instead, he stole his owner's laptop while he was at work and went on the first online shopping sight he could find. Which happened to be Amazon.

   Of course, he now knows that Amazon maybe wasn't the best option to buy a sex toy from, but Chan had never really let him explore the internet much so he was fairly new at things.

   Long story short, he bought a light blue, vibrating dildo off of Amazon of all places to replace the feeling of being fucked.

   So, here he is now, in his living room, staring at the box and wondering what the hell he was going to do with it.

   Obviously he could use it, seeing as Chan shouldn't be home for a few hours. Let himself go and feel what he wasn't able to during his first heat. Maybe he could even picture the dildo being his owner's own cock.

   Oh yeah, he was definitely going to use this now.

   With wobbly legs, Minho clambered his way into his shared bedroom with Chan. He never liked sleeping alone, always preferring the warmth of another person next to him.

   Minho put the box on the floor before shuffling to Chan's closet to pull out his owner's most worn hoodie. He pulled off his clothes, his dick already semi-hard from excitement, and put on the elder's jacket. He sighed at the scent of his owner, letting his cock grow harder at the smell.

   He situated the dildo on the ground using the suction cup at the bottom to secure it to the floor. He'd seen a few videos on how to do this so, hopefully, he should be able to do this with as little pain as possible.

   The cat hybrid slicked up his fingers with the provided lube before positioning himself on his knees, legs spread apart and elbows on the ground. He struggled to push his first finger past his puckering rim, the foreign feeling making him hiss.

   Whimpering, he started curling that finger in his hole, trying to get used to the feeling of being stretched. Taking deep breaths he began pumping the finger in and out of his ass, letting himself let out a small moan from the sensation. He slid lower down against the floor until his chest was pressed against it, allowing his finger to slip deeper inside of him.

   Sensing he was stretched enough Minho tried putting a second finger in, feeling his ring finger slip next to his middle. Minho let out a chorus of whines and moans, each getting louder and louder as he continued stretching himself. Rutting his cock, hard and leaking against the cold wood as he pushed his fingers as deep inside him as he could. He felt himself barely brush across his prostrate as he pushed his body even harder on the floor, his owner's scent flooding his senses.

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