I..hate you

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Apollo would be teaching me about divine forms, how to teleport, grow in size, change appearances etc. And so my training began. Every night I would train with Apollo till dawn. Then I would go to Athena to know more about the domains of humility and time. We would sit in her library for hours discussing them. Athena had several interesting ideas but would bore me with lengthy lectures about them. This would continue till noon after which I would go to Artemis for training. We would go to some far off woods. This, I dreaded most, for I had to learn archery. I used a normal bow made of yew as I didn’t have my symbol of power for the hunt domain yet.

 On one such training session, I was failing utterly when Artemis threw her hands up in surrender and exclaimed, “I can’t stand it anymore. Come here! Now take aim!” I went to her and took my standard posture and took aim by drawing the arrow back.

 “No! no! You are doing it wrong again. Here, this arm should be firm. It should not bend.”, saying so she started correcting my stance.

 She would nudge, push and beat my body but would never touch me for more than a second. I discarded this as her hate towards men in general. Then she went on to lean onto me and keeping her arms on mine, she demonstrated by pulling my right arm back till the notched arrow was at my ear. She then asked me to release the arrow after adjusting my aim. I took aim of the target about 200yards away and released the arrow. It struck the target but at the extreme edge.

I was happy that I had hit the target at all and turned to thank Artemis when I saw that she was annoyed. She huffed and said, “You didn’t take the wind into account. You have to consider both the wind and gravity or your shots will never hit the target.”

As she was explaining to me how to study the wind for direction and speed, we heard someone clearing their throat and turned to see Aphrodite smiling at us.

 “Am I disturbing something?”, she asked innocently. We didn’t understand what she was talking about until I realized that Artemis still had her arms around me.

“Lady Artemis, could you.. you know?”, I said gesturing at her arms. She immediately took them off me and turned to glare at Aphrodite. “What are you doing here?”, she asked in an angry tone.

“I came to take Percy ofcourse! He has to learn about his domain.”, she said winking at me.

“You will not take Percy away from me. His lesson isn’t complete yet.”

“Possessive, are we? I know your little secret Arty.”

Artemis was shocked but tried to cover it and stuttered, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Oh! You know exactly what I am talking about ”, Aphrodite said giggling and turned towards me.

“Shall we go, Darling?”, she said seductively. I gulped and looked at Artemis to see that she was gritting her teeth. I slowly nodded towards Aphrodite and we both teleported to her palace. I looked around the room and saw that we were in her bedroom. I turned to say that we should go into another room when she practically jumped at me. She started kissing me earnestly and I will tell you that she is pretty strong. As much as I tried to pull her away, I couldn’t. Finally I flashed out of her hands. But my shirt got ripped open by her hands. She turned towards me pouting and saying, “Aw! I was enjoying myself so much.”

“What is wrong with you?”, I exclaimed.

“Come on Percy! I will teach you all about DESIRE”, she said stretching the last word into a purr.

“Look Aphrodite-”

She interrupted me saying, “I am looking.” , as she stared at my body hungrily.

I controlled the anger and said, “I will tell you a secret. Alright?”

She immediately perked up and promised, “I won’t tell anyone.”

“I ….hate you. You disgust me.”, saying so I flashed away to Apollo.

God of tides, time, hunt, humility and desire ( A Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now