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ii. the princess and the lover

// brilliant are her dreams. they burn like stars in her wide, wild eyes. they know no boundaries or rules, and they scorch the paths others try to carve.


Didi's back was to you when you came in. She was sitting at the bench, playing with the keys on the harpsichord—making music with no order or direction. Her attention belonged to her melody, and she didn't look up when the door opened, or the seconds that followed, when it closed.

Isil didn't follow you in—you didn't want him to. Didi wouldn't have wanted him to, either. Not that she wasn't fond of Isil; she just didn't know him as you did.

He didn't let her know him as you did.

"You sound wonderful, Didi," you piped up, a sweet smile tickling your lips.

Didi perked up when she heard your voice, and her hands stilled. She swung around in her seat to face you, and a smile broke across her face, so wide and blinding that it nearly split her head in two. "[Nickname]!" she chirped gleefully. Delight shone in her bright eyes, so potent and great that it spilled out from her face and filled the room. "Come here, come here! I've something to tell you."

Didi motioned you over with a fervid wave of her hand, her pretty eyes glittering brilliantly. Her gaze fled to the space behind you, and surprise flashed across her face. "Where's that knight of yours, [Nickname]?" Didi furrowed her eyebrows, and her grin dimmed for a short second. "I thought he followed you everywhere."

"Sir Isil?" You sat down beside Didi and sent her a pleasant smile. She was dressed in silk and satin, and midday sunlight streamed in through the windows, basking her in its glorious, golden glow. "He's waiting outside. I know he makes you nervous..."

"That's an understatement," Didi remarked with a short, humorless giggle. Unease still lingered in her tone, but her brilliant smile was inching back, bringing light back to her sweet, young face. "But, enough of that—I don't want to talk about your knight."

You brought your fingers up to the harpsichord's wooden keys, and Didi turned back around in her seat so she could face the instrument. A mischievous, teasing chuckle left your lips, and you grinned slyly at Didi. "Thank the gods," you simpered impishly. "I remember when he was all you would talk about." You tapped one of the keys, and then brought your other hand to pinch Didi's cheek. "It was so adorable—your little crush."

A hot, red blush rose to Didi's face, and she batted your hand away. "You're one to talk," she replied quickly, struggling to keep her bashful gaze even with yours. "You always droned on and on about that Adalleth guy—how handsome and wonderful he was and—"

The warmth in the room fled, and Didi's voice died in her throat when she realized her mistake. The embarrassment in her cheeks drained from her face, leaving it pale and cold—like the skin of a corpse. Her pretty eyes must've been wide—the size of dinner plates—but you weren't looking at her anymore.


"Don't." You sucked in a breath of air and held it in your lungs. Isil had made the same mistake only a few hours ago, but the wound was still just as fresh—as tender—as it had been just a couple of hours ago. As it had been the day you'd learned of his death. "It''s fine. I should be over it." You forced a laugh. "Don't feel too bad about it, Didi—Isil did the same thing just a while ago."

You lifted your gaze to meet Didi's. The look in her eyes was tender, and it made you feel small—like you were the younger sister, desperate for guidance, for comfort. But you weren't her little sibling—she was yours. You were supposed to be her guide—her protector. You were supposed to be the one offering her comfort.

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