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Jimins pov

Jimin .. jiminnn i heard someone so i looked back and it was hoseok hyung .  He came to me running and hugged me .. and told me that every thing will be fine . .. for now lets go home and have a rest .. i just nodded

Few days later

Hey guys did u hear college management has announced a picnic camp for us .. who's going .. namjoon asked .. all of the gang said yes .. but i was not in mood .. because i can't see jungkook ignoring me always .. so i said no .. but all forced me .. so i nodded as a yes .. 

At home

Hoseok hyung is with me .. helping me in my packing then i received a text

Kookie💜: hey babe .. what your doing ..i missed u 😘

Jimin😍 : umm .  Nothing just chilling . I miss u too 😙

Kookie💜 : oh and i cant meet u or text u for few days .. I'm going for a stupid camp with my hyungs

Jimin😍 : oh .  Ok have fun then..

Its being few week when we first meet at the festival .. we are seeing eachother almost every day .. he always text me day and night  ..

Jimin lets go. Tae called me bus has arrived at college they all are waiting for u let's go. hoseok hyung said

And we went to college .. when i entered in the bus .. the seats were all taking  .. hoseok went to tae since tae reserved a seat for him  .. when i saw jungkook was sitting along .. i gathered my strength and went near him

Jimin: umm  .. jungkook c-can i sit here .. since there are no seat available .. he nodded and looked back at window again   .. why does he hate me so much   .. i sat on the seat next to jungkook .. it was a night time and all hyungs were sleeping or listening songs in earphones ..  i looked beside me and jungkook was sleeping .. when his head fall on my shoulder .. i tried to move his head but couldn't .. and i closed my eyes since its already late and I'm sleepy too

I walk up when i heard my teacher saying .. wake up u all we have reached .. come on get up and take your luggage with u .. jungkook was still sleeping peacefully on my shoulder .. his hair were touching my cheeks .. but i have to wake him up .. so slowly i said

Jimin: umm .. kook.. i was about to say kookie but stop and said .. jungkook wakeup .. we are hear .. he heard me and slowly opened his eyes he was shock to see me .like he saw some ghost

What ? Why are u looking at me like this .? I asked

  I was sleeping on your shoulder ? Why didn't u wake me up u stupid .. jungkook said

What ? Damn this guy is getting on my nerves .. i let him sleep on my shoulder all night long .. and what i get in return .  Stupid  ?

I didn't say anything and leave him alone in the bus  .. where were u .. hosoek asked ..

Oh i was watching an angry gorilla .. i said .. we all went in  .. when teacher said to choose your tent,2 person per  tent no more then 2 .. hoseok hold tae's hand and went in tent number one  .. jin and namjoon in tent number two .. yoongi was not with us on this trip because his girl was sick .. so i choose tent number three and went in ..

i took off my shirt so i can change my cloths .. when some one enters ......

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