Chapter 1: First Time Seeing Love

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Daniel was extremely nervous and really close to having a panic attack. His hands were sweating, his legs were shaking and his face was pale. The teacher walked outside the classroom where Daniel was standing, looking worried when he saw Daniel.

"Are you okay, boy? You look terrified. It's time to come in." He went back inside and announced my arrival.

"Everyone, we have a new transfer student today. Please treat him nicely. Come in, Daniel."

Daniel walked inside, praying that he wouldn't embarrass himself by stuttering or tripping over his own feet. He walked to the front of the class when the teacher asked him to introduce himself.

"Hello," he started, bowing. His ears turned red when the girls started squealing. "I am Daniel Park, I just transferred here. I hope you guys will accept me."

The girls clapped and whistled. Some of the boys glared at Daniel as he walked to the seat the teacher assigned him to. As he walked to his seat, he noticed a boy that had blonde hair by the back of the classroom. His hair covered his eyes but his face was in Daniel's direction. He looked away quickly, his face becoming a light shade of pink. Daniel was curious about this boy.

He sat down in his seat, glancing once more at the handsome boy. He quickly faced the front again when blondie caught him staring. The bell rung after a while, signaling lunch break. Daniel was about to take out his lunch when a short boy walked up to him. He wore glasses and his face seemed like he was constipated.

"Daniel Park," he started, his voice clearly being strained to make it deep. "I'll allow you to eat at my lunch table today, but you have to buy me lunch. I'm Jiho."

Daniel was about to refuse, since he didn't have money but Jiho panicked.

"Okay I'm sorry! I'll buy your lunch instead, how about that?! Please sit with me!"

Daniel was taken aback. "Um...No, it's okay. Thank you. I'll sit with you though. I brought my own lunch!"

Jiho seemed relieved. "Thanks dude. Let's go, I want to introduce you to Duke."

He got up from his desk, grabbing his lunch which was just a banana milk and an apple, since he couldn't afford to buy any food this week. His job at the grocery store wasn't going to pay for all his expenses. He glanced to the back, where Jay was sitting. He was facing Daniel again, but looked away when Daniel looked over. He didn't have any food either. Daniel walked over, hesitating before and quickly thinking about it. Jiho stared at him as he walked over to Jay.

"Hey!" Daniel chirped nervously. "I'm Daniel, what's your name?"


"Jay Hong? Cool name!"

The boy seemed taken aback, his mouth slightly opened.


"Oh...I'm not sure how I can understand you. Anyway, where's your lunch?"

"..." Jay flushed in embarrassment.

"Aww, don't worry! I can teach you how to cook. Here, I want you to have this. It's not much."

Jay's heart was beating so loudly in his chest. His face was so hot from all the attention he was getting from Daniel.

He tried refusing the apple that Daniel put on his desk.
"Please Jay. You will starve if you don't eat this."

Jay smiled a bit and finally accepted the small, red apple. Daniel didn't budge as he smiled and stared at Jay. Jay blushed, butterflies in his stomach. He brought the apple up to his lips slowly, taking a small bite. Daniel grinned and quickly walked to Jiho while saying goodbye.

Jay was disappointed that Daniel left but his cheeks were on fire and his heart was thumping in his chest so loudly.

Woah, what is this feeling? My heart is about to burst!


Daniel sat with Jiho at a round table and talked with Duke. Duke was a boy who was passionate about music. The thing was that Duke reminded Daniel of how he was a few years ago. Short, chubby, and an outcast.

"Daniel, why do you sit with us? You should be with the popular people."

Daniel giggled. "Silly! Jiho invited me! Of course I'll sit here. Plus, I'm sure the popular people don't want me near them."

Duke watched Daniel with a shocked expression on his face. Daniel cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Dude, everyone is literally saying how cool and handsome you are. You're literally the most popular boy in school right now. Look around, man."

Daniel looked around and saw people giggling about looking at him. His head spun, questions suffocating him.

Why are they looking at me?!

What have I done??

Please don't let this be like my old school, I want to be happy.

Why do they hate me? What's happening?!

What are they saying?!?!

"Daniel? Daniel! Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Duke looked at him with concern while Jiho handed him a tissue.

"Huh?" He felt his cheek, which was wet from his tears. "I'm...not sure. I'm sorry, I should go."

Daniel got up quickly and rushed towards the exit of the cafeteria but people blocked his way.

"Kiaaahhhh! Daniel Park!"

"So handsome!"

"I didn't know I was gay until I saw him!"

Daniel's head hurt so bad. He was so confused and overwhelmed by everything. His vision started to darken until he saw a blur approach him. It was Jay Hong.

Jay rushed towards Daniel, grabbing his wrist. Daniel flinched out of instinct, worrying Jay. Jay pulled him towards the exit, pushing everyone out of his way. People tried grabbing Daniel.

As soon as they got out, Jay started running and pulling Daniel along. Daniel stumbles, almost falling. Jay steadied him, then picked him up and went inside the Fashion Department classroom. They sat down at Jay's desk.

Daniel breathed normally again, but his face was red. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened."


"Oh no! It's completely fine. You don't need to do that! It was just an apple."


"Oh...It doesn't matter. I'm fine now, see?" Daniel got closer to Jay, showing him that he wasn't crying anymore. Jay flushed, his soul leaving his body.


Daniel looked away again. "I'm okay. It's just some bad experiences before in my past. I can't talk now or else I'll probably break down but I'll tell you one day."

Jay nodded. Daniel leaned close to Jay's face, staring at his bangs. "Why do you cover your eyes? I'm sure they're very pretty."

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