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Larry pushed Bob down against the church bench, his body on top of the other's...

"Larry... I'm not sure. I mean--" Bob breathed in, breaking a kiss. He sat up on the bench, catching his breath. Larry paused, looking at the tomato beside him. "You know how I feel about you but..." Bob said, his eyes glancing nervously to the side. "Not here. And sure, maybe sometime soon, but not now." The tomato slid to the side, putting a few inches of space between the vegetables.

"Oh. Yeah I mean of course." Larry said, his breath still heavy from the heat of the moment. He sat up straight in the church pew and looked around the room. The priest from before walked into the room again and Bob stood beside him.

"I'm really sorry, Larry."

"No, Bob, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

They shared a moment of eye contact, and Bob stepped out to the side of the bench. His face still flushed and red, eyes dilated from the excitement. Bob nodded with a forced smile and walked away.

Larry sat in the pew, turning forwards and looking at the red stained glass windows. He didn't regret his advances, but wished that it ended differently.


"Petunia, how could I be so stupid? What was I thinking? Oh god, I'm an idiot." Larry groaned, his eyebrows furrowed as he recalled the events of the day prior.

"Honestly Larry, I don't know what to say... that was so bold of you. In a church? Are you crazy?"

"Agh, I know." Larry fell back onto a purple pillow, rolling over to put his face into it.

"Well, Larry--" Petunia started, interrupted by Larry screaming into the pillow. "Oh shut up, will you. To be honest with you, Larry, it was very macho. You were really going for it if it makes you feel better. And you know Bob's never made any moves for himself, so maybe he thought it was cool too." She said, brushing out her ginger hair. "And you're not exactly a subtle person. It was all very in character for you."

Larry stopped yelling and turned over to look at the blue-eyed rhubarb. "But he thinks I moved too fast. So now-"

"You tried to make tomato soup with him in a church, if that's not fast then I'm blessed you're not into me."

"That's done with Petunia, now I need to try and fix the repercussions. What's my new plan?"

Petunia put down her hairbrush and looked to Larry with a grin on her face. "I have something that might work."


"Bob, hey." Larry said, sucking in a breath as he gripped his phone.

"Hi Larry. Uhm, how are you?"

"I'm fine... I actually wanted to talk about what happened a few days ago."

"Oh, sure. It's actually no big deal honestly, I don't want you to feel weird about it." Bob's face reddened as he thought back to what happened in the church. His mind wandered to their quickened breaths and hushed words.

"So I just wanted to start by apologizing. Even though I felt so strongly about you, we never talked to each other about it and it was too sudden. But I set up something for tonight and I hope I can get to know you better...?" The cucumber said hopefully, his eyes clenched shut as his heart beat a moment too quick. If Bob declined, it surely reinforced the idea that he ruined not only a possible relationship but their friendship.
"Really... let's forget it happened. We can start over. I just think it was the right thing at the wrong time."
The line went silent as they both breathed in, relieved and nervous at the same time.
"So... when's our next date?" Bob questioned.
"How's eight?"

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