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"I'm sorry, babe" My soon-to-be ex-girlfriend cried, tears falling down her beautiful pale face.

"I'm not giving you a third chance, Sydney!" I yelled at her in anger not surprised that she cheated on me again.

"I'm sorry" She repeated falling onto her knees tears rushing down her face like a stream of water.

"I'm not going to fall again for that trick again," I said holding back my tears, not wanting her to see how heartbroken I am.

We had planned to go to a Billie Eilish concert (which happened to start today) but when I came to pick her up she wouldn't answer my knocks.

So I had to open it with the spare key she gave me.

Upon entering I heard faint noises.
And I knew very well that she had done it again.

A feeling of deja vu hit me like a wave.

And that's how I ended up here in front of her.

Her partner had already left rushing out with embarrassment.

"We're done" The weight on my shoulders had been lifted up and relief consumed my body.

I turned my back on her and left her house with not one piece of regret.

Entering my red and black Lamborghini and starting the engine.

Driving out of her drive through, I left not looking back.

A lump was still stuck in my throat I tried swallowing it down but it wouldn't go away.

So, to get my mind off her I ended up going to Billie's concert.

Parking my car in an empty parking space. I got out of the car and headed towards the place she would perform today.

Thousands of beautiful fans stood outside the entrance.

I got in line and straightened my jacket.

I had decided to wear an almost complete blue outfit.

I wore a denim jacket and underneath it was a white t-shirt Along with light blue denim shorts and white converses. And a blue and white bandana adorned my head/forehead.

I was quite happy with my outfit.

I noticed that a few girls would steal glances at me and check me out.

I was glad that I was single now.

I bit my lip just to see the girls' reactions and I almost laughed.

They had a light blush on their faces.

I know it seems like I moved on easily, huh?

I actually haven't to be quite honest.

My feelings for Sydney are still there.
And I hope that they'll be gone soon.

All of us finally got inside and I ended up getting to the front somehow.

After a couple of minutes, the concert started.

Billie came on stage and every one of us screamed her name.

Including me.

"Oh my god. Isn't she beautiful?" A feminine voice spoke out of the blue catching my attention.

A pair of green eyes came in contact with my brown ones.

Noticing that she was talking to me I broke out of my thoughts and nodded at her.

"Yeah," I said biting my lip looking back up at the stage.

"what's your name?" She suddenly asked nervously playing with a strand of her blonde hair.

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