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iWuvKirby: i like Kirby. Does anyone like Kirby? I love him... TO DEATH.

Tweek: *looking at cute kirby pictures* SO FUCKING KAWAIIIIII!

Craig: What do you see in a little pink squishy ball that flies around and swallows things?

Tweek & iWuvKirby: *looks at him* What. Did. You. Say?!

Craig: I said.... Kirby is awesome! *sweatdrops*

Clyde: Kirby is ssooooooo cool!

Token: Kirby's okay I guess... I mean if Tweek likes it so much then I guess it's not that bad.

Kevin: What's a Kirby?

Tweek & iWuvKirby: *looks at him* WHAT DID YOU JUST ASK US?!

Kevin: I said what's a Kirby.

Tweek & iWuvKirby: YOUUUU.....

Craig: *covers their mouths* okay more questions before they explode.

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