A photograph

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Since the kiss in the woods, Gellert had become outwardly affectionate towards Albus whenever they met. He did things like pick Albus up and spin him round, or flirt whenever he got the chance. In short, Albus felt like some wistful fantasy he seemed to have had for longer than he first thought had finally come true. It felt so perfect, and then, one day, they would rule the Wizarding and non-Wizarding world together, as the most powerful duo the world had ever seen...

He really couldn't believe it, and somewhere, he thought it was way too good to last.

Not that he knew it yet, but that nagging little thought in the back of his mind was actually telling the truth. But that wasn't until the end of the Summer, so he pushed it away; he was having too good a time.

Albus woke one morning a few days after the kiss to a tapping on his window. Stella had returned with a letter from Elphias alongside another, exotic-looking bird. The letter rambled on about Elphias' adventures in Mongolia. Albus wrote a very short and simple reply, leaving out everything about Gellert. He gave the exotic bird the letter, and as it took off, Albus scratched a weary Stella on the head absently, before deciding to go back to bed. A few minutes later, Albus was woken again by another tapping on his window. Grumbling, he sat up, before he saw a familiar face peering through the glass. Grinning, Albus hurried over to open his window. As Gellert climbed through, Albus asked, "why the window? You know we have a perfectly good door?"

"Ah, yes, but Albus, doors are for people with no imagination."

"I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before."

"You haven't heard it anywhere else... yet," said Gellert cryptically, before swinging an arm round Albus' shoulder and kissing him on the cheek.

Albus was used to these mysterious comments, and was pretty sure that Gellert was descended from a seer somewhere. It made sense when he thought about it, as he so often did.

"So," said Gellert, "have you had any of your brilliant ideas recently? When I'm stuck for them I always count on you to have some."

Albus shrugged. "I'm sorry, I haven't had any brilliant ideas."

Gellert looked mock horrified. "But darling, what are we ever to do if you do not always have a brilliant idea? This is an outrage, I tell you!"

Albus squealed as Gellert pounced and tickled him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He panted, "the curse of being brilliant is that it's spontaneous!"

Gellert laughed and ceased his torture. "You admitted it. You aren't always outstandingly brilliant."

"Yeah well neither are you," Albus smiled.

"True, true," Gellert cast his eyes around the room for some inspiration. "How about we look through some books to give us inspiration for wizard dominance?"

Albus laughed. "Just like we always do?"

"Well, it's never failed to work before."

And so they searched through books and yet more books to gather any further knowledge on the Hallows or something to do with them, although they didn't spring on anything interesting. After a while of searching, Gellert finally said, "aunt Bathilda wanted a photograph of us today to remind her of the 'wonderful summer we had'. What do you say? Shall we do it?"

Albus sniggered, and nodded. "I would love to."

Bathilda was waiting outside for them with a large camera when they got there - how she knew they were going to be outside at that moment was a mystery - and when they approached, she held it up. "Sorry to interrupt you boys in whatever you were doing, but it's just one quick photograph. Are you ready?"

Gellert flung his arm around Albus' shoulder, and Albus did the same. They looked at each other, made eye contact, and burst out laughing. Neither of them knew what was so funny, but they laughed like they hadn't in a while. There was a flash and a loud snap as the photograph was taken, and the boys just couldn't stop roaring with laughter.

When they had calmed down a bit, they thanked Bathilda and went back up to Albus' room, still giggling; the cause of which was still unknown.

Albus entered the room first, and, unsurprisingly, Gellert leapt onto him from behind, flinging both his arms round Albus' neck and kissing his jaw.

"Gellert!" Albus laughed. "What have we said about catching me off balance?"

Gellert let go and grinned. "I should warn you first?"

"Yes, Gellert, so I won't lose balance and we both fall over."

Gellert rolled his eyes. "Okay, Albus. You didn't have to be actually sensible about it."

They laughed again. Albus looked up at Gellert, and smiled. Who knew someone so handsome and clever could be his? It was better than any dream he had ever had. And even if they never got to rule the Wizarding and non-Wizarding world together, then at least they had this Summer.

Gellert calmed himself down and looked back at Albus. It was odd, there was something there in his eyes that Albus had never seen before, something that he couldn't quite place. It had a seriousness about it that Albus had only ever seen the time they did the blood pact. A kind of deep intent and sense of purpose, like he knew exactly what was going to happen next.

Which was annoying, because Albus had no idea what Gellert was thinking.

That was when Gellert leaned in and kissed him. It was an odd kiss, careful, as if it was testing the boundaries, but nonetheless had an undertone of purpose.

And in that second, Albus understood what Gellert wanted to do.

He kissed Gellert back, wrapping both arms around his neck to say he was fine with that. Gellert broke off and grinned at Albus, before swinging him round and sitting them both down on Albus' bed, where they kissed again. Albus felt as if his heart would explode, it was beating so fast. Finally, finally, it was actually happening. Finally, his wistful little fantasy had come true.

Gellert broke off again, and looked into Albus' eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

Albus grinned, and nodded.

[A/N] WOAH THERE. Don't worry, if y'all are here for a clean fanfic, that's still what it's gonna be. There's a skip over all the stuff, so don't worry. Sorry if y'all wanted that.

I do not own this artwork, but whoever did is extremely talented.

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