chapter 2 Interrogation

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As he comes through the door he's pushing what seems to be a medical trolley. On this trolley I quickly realised it was what I thought.  A trolley full of terrible sharp objects, from knifes to a chainsaw, from needles to hooks. 

Yes I'm scared but I'm not going to show it, not to this sick man.   He parks his trolley next to me. At this point he doesn't make any eye contact but whistles a small tune on the way out of the  door. 

Now I'm really starting to wonder how long will this last or is it just a game ? Am I a victim of a nasty prank? If it is who is this man.  "I'm not stupid I scream out", "I'm not !  I know this is a game ! "

The door opens quickly and he comes back but not with silence but with anger and hatred.

"No wait!"  I say quickly.

Too late. He's starts  pounding me with his fists. My face begins to feel numb, the blood forming a fast river down my face. I hitting the ground with  a thud. When  will he stop. When will this stop.

When he finally stopped I asked why. He just looked and smiled.

"Where's the girl !?" I say with more anger in my voice after the impact of his smile.

"The girl, yes that girl you saw me with. Well she's not able to speak right now." This dark figure replies then walks away.

"Oi you come back here we aren't done yet !" I scream with haste and anger.

I wanted to know if she was safe.Maybe my distraction saved her life. I don't know though , I guess I have to wait.

"No no no little man, you don't get to sleep." he says as I open my eyes from one nightmare to another. 

"What, what I'm sorry." I said

"I brought you a present" He said with a wicked grin. 

One click of his fingers and two men come rushing in, with what seems to be that girl who lived next to me.

"Look look," he said, look at this pretty  thing.

I look with horror and saw what they had done to this poor girl.  Her face disfigured and mangled but yet she was still alive, only just.

Now I feel guilty screaming at a few cuts, when this girl she went through hell. She's still in hell,  we both are. 

"Why why are you doing this?!" I look to the three men. "What have we done?" Tears flooding from my tired eyes.  

"Oh nothing  at all my dear boy." The leader says. "In fact we only bring it on our self's.  However we still have to eat, don't we?"

As I look to the girl again. I realised that  she didn't have a hand. There were bite marks on her arm. It looked liked someone had chewed it, as if they hadn't been fed for weeks.

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