Chapter Four Part Two

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  After a quick too-cold shower (I guess that's what happens when you are the last of seven people to wake up) and hopelessly fiddling with my curly hair for ten minutes, I almost literally ran into Grayson in the hallway.  

  "Classy enough for ya?"  he asks, brushing dirt that isn't there off of his plaid button down.  He grins.

  "No.  Go put on a tux."  I try to give him a look of disapproval, but I can't keep my composure.  After three seconds I crack a smile.  "As long as you keep it on, we're all good."

  We make our down the stairs and into the kitchen.  Amelia and Amity turn to smile up at us from the stove.  They're making pancakes while Griffin busts his butt laughing at whatever animated story Dekka is telling.  It better not be about me.

  She pauses to beam at me. "Hey.  Sleep well, Ace?"

  "Yeah.  How did you sleep?"  I ask.  I send a smile to Amity, she smiles back.

  "Great!"  Dekka exclaims.  "I'm telling them about the time you went crowd surfing.  At that Burning Buildings concert?  Your face was priceless!"  She imitates the face I made.  Of course it's a story about me.

  "Oh," I say, thinking back to that concert.  "I remember that.  The time you threw a bottle a someone, right?"  Dekka nods and turns away, but I can tell she is not very ashamed of that memory.  Most likely even proud.

  "You guys like Burning Buildings?"  Grayson asks, raising his eyebrows.

  The three of us nod in unison.  "It's our favourite band,"  Amity says as she flips a pancake.

  "Me too!  Hey I heard they are supposed to be playing by Lake Furres tomorrow night.  You guys wanna go?"  Grayson is practically jumping up and down with excitement.

  Amity looks from Dekka, to me, to Grayson, then back to the pancakes she is making.  

  "I'm totally up for it," Griffin says.  He looks at his mother with hope.

  Amelia ponders for a moment before saying anything.  "I guess," she replies slowly.  Everyone cheers.  "But,"  Amelia raises a finger.  "You have to promise me that all of you will be very careful and won't do anything to get into trouble; no drugs, alcohol, smoking, anything like that."

  "Mom, it's a concert.  Not a night club full of dealers and potheads."  Grayson says.  "Besides, do you really think we would do any of that if we were going to a night club?"

  "I'm just making sure Grayson."

  Conversation of drinking and such dies down as soon as Amity sets a heaping plate of pancakes on the table.  Actually, all conversations cease to exist once everybody tastes the steaming goodness.  Dekka moans in delight next to me seemingly every other bite.  I jab her with the back of my fork to say:  Stop that, that's weird.

  After breakfast I get a call from mom.  Once she confirms that we are okay staying with the Cappellos, mom tells me that her and dad are going to stay on Harper Island for awhile longer to give help to some of the other families that need it.

  "The boats are still out of commission, so it isn't like we could come back anyway."  She explains.  Now speaking to someone on her end: "What?  Mmhmm.  Yes I'll be there in one moment."  Turning back to me: "Okay sweetie I have to go.  You bunch stay safe, and tell the girls I said hello."

  "Alright mom, I'll talk to you soon."  I hang up and wander into the living room to find my sisters.  Their only reaction to the message I deliver is shaking their heads and saying "Okay."

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