Chapter one

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On every girls 17th birthday they will be sent to the Teenage Training Tower to train to be selected on whether or not they can upgrade to a cyborg. Cyborgs are very important in the community, If girls do not get accepted to become cyborgs they immediately become housewives. Housewives are not as important as cyborgs but still play a role in the community.
Rules for housewives are as listed:
The housewives in the community are not allowed to pick their husbands
Housewives will not wear provocative clothing
If housewives don't have a child within the first 2 years of work they will be sent to work as suppliers for the other mothers.
Housewives are only allowed to be paid $2 a day (only if they get their chores done)
Housewives cannot get tested again to become cyborgs unless they're beginning to perish.
If housewives decide not to do their chores their chosen husbands may decide if they want her to be sent to live on the streets.
If you give birth to a boy the father must take the boy and raise it alone.

Tomorrow my testing day begins. My name is Kennedy, I'm 5'6 sixteen year old girl turning seventeen on July 14th, 2034, otherwise known as tomorrow. I have been waiting for this moment ever since I was a little girl, I've looked up to my older sister, Meghan, who was allowed to get tested for training at sixteen! The cause of this was because she was top student in every class, pre-kindergarten through elevnth grade. I only really heard rumors about the training from my sister, she says we sleep and live with all the females our age, but we are allowed to see boys in the hallways and training classes. Male classes are different than female classes despite having similar jobs boys only learn how to create the cyborg body parts for women.
Of course we get tested and checked to see if we have what it takes to become cyborgs. Males have different strict rules to follow during their training such as:
Your wife will be chosen for you if you get assigned to mine in the mines
You cannot impregnate anyone other than you housewife.
And they cannot interrupt women when they speak.
Fathers must leave if mothers give birth to females

Males have more variety of classes such as the cyber creator class who spend half their day with females so they can learn and see what female body parts are more sensitive to the robot parts. More options such as minors, soldiers or transportation guys cannot choose their wives. My one male friend, Elliot, I met on my 16th birthday he was the watcher for all the younger girls at my party. He has beautiful blonde hair and he's been with me ever since my parents passed away. Females are forced to take pills to behave, but when their bodies begin to develop more curves they don't get forced to take the pills. In fact, only the really, really young girls take them because they're still learning how to control themselves. After the testing I hope to become a cyborg, my mother was a housewife, she always told me to focus on school before anything else. She was one of the only females to be promoted and tested into being a cyborg after getting assigned housewife, this is very unlikely to happen but my mom was an acception because she married one of the government robots creators. Sadly, the robots took over killing my mother and many other innocent souls to become more powerful. I now live with my Aunt Chrissy, she doesn't look like me though which I found very skeptical but I still love her dearly since she's basically all I have left, besides my sister who left the state.
"Kennedy you have to go to bed early to rest for your big day tomorrow!!" Chrissy yelled from downstairs,
"I know!! Good night!"
As I began to brush my teeth to go to bed, I heard a rustling sound near my window.
"Is anyone out there?" I felt queasy as the words fell out of my mouth.
Out of nowhere a boy appeared outside my window. My heart began to race, he was beautiful.
"Can I help you?" I asked, the boy knocked on my window trying to get me to open it.  "Can you please introduce yourself, I will let you come inside but since I don't know you're trying to attack me I'd at least like to know your name."
He rolled his eyes at my statement. I could see his mouth move but I couldn't figure out words.
"M— na— Austin—."
I look at him in confusion,
"Austin?" I repeat, He nodded and smiled a weak smile. I steadily began to open my window, not knowing what would happen if my aunt catches me allowing an unknown stranger to come into our home. He climbed right through my window almost perfectly. My nerves were still acting up, I wasn't sure if I made a mistake or not.
"As you heard, my names Austin."
"Kennedy, it's a pleasure weird guy."He grinned.
"What're you doing climbing through my window, stranger?" I ask nervously,
"Nothing, just looking for some girls to abduct."
My eyes grew wide, my stomach dropped, I could feel my hands begin to shake.
"I'm joking! I'm just hiding from my dad, he's trying to convince me to become a miner like he was at my age." I could feel the sadness in his voice, I almost felt bad for the guy.
"Well you're welcome to stay here if you promise to be quiet."
He laughed, I shoved my pointer finger at his lips and giggled. I could hear Chrissy walk up the stairs, I shoved Austin in my closet with me. I know it doesn't make sense to lock myself in there with him but it just felt right
"Kennedy are you okay? It sounded like you were laughing."
"Yeah Chris, I just remembered a joke my friend told me about."
I heard Chrissy's steps begin to fade. I wasn't sure if she left so I stayed close to Austin until I was sure she was gone, I didn't realize it then but my head was right on his chest, I could almost feel his heartbeat, it was heartwarming. Until I realized it. I moved away as fast possible slamming my head against the door.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry you were probably uncomfortable." I could feel my face begin to heat up, he looked at me and smiled. I looked around my room and thought about were Austin would sleep.
"So, my couch isn't really really comfortable to sleep on, since it's just for decoration but I'm not really comfortable sleeping in the same bed."
Austin nodded in understanding,
"Yeah of course there's no problem. Just one question, do you have any questions?"
I knew what he was talking about, I mean who would allow an unknown male sleep in the same house as you without panicking.
"What are you?" I felt my my voice crack.
"Oh well, I'm a cyber creator, in training." I nodded " I am also eighteen."
"Cool, I'm starting training tomorrow. Its my birthday, oh by the way the bathroom is right next to the closet if you need it." I turned to look at the clock, it was 1:03 am."I really have to go to sleep now." I covered myself in my blankets and threw Austin a pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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