A weird surprise

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Indonesia's P.O.V

Indo was laying down on her bed while she was thinking about a special guy in her life Indo immediately open her diary and started writing stuff about her special guy


It's been so long since I saw North Korea, The last time I saw him was the time he complimented my flowers. I've tried to contact him but everybody from the ASEAN family to Japan and Netherland made me stay away from N.K because they all think he's going to nuke me, crazy right?! But here's my little secret, I kind of have a crush on North ko_

Suddenly Thailand entered my room but I wasn't able to recognize him until I looked at his face, Thai looked like a girl because his hair was longer and he had boobs. I got off the bed and ran to Thai who is in front of the door. "THAI???IS THAT YOU" I asked, "It's me, Thailand." Thai responded with a more feminine voice "I ...turned myself into a girl." My mind just went blank, I can't believe what I saw! THAI JUST CHANGED HIS GENDER!!!SO HIS A TRANSGENDER!!!! My whole world became dark until it was fully black.

Thailand's P.O.V

Indo fainted In front of me, her eyes were closed but her face looked so pale that's its even hard to see her red hair and flag color, she looked like a dead body or a countryhuman who hasn't made its flag,

"What was I thinking, I knew Indo would freak out when she sees me like this but I didn't expect her to faint!!!!"I told myself, I walked over to Indo's body and try to pick her up but I couldn't pick her up because I don't have the man strength I used to have thanks to the surgery to turn myself into a girl (Transgender) I immediately rushed out of Indo's room and try to find everyone else "Wait! They're all going to America's house and papa ASEAN is at work" I remembered, Suddenly I saw a creepy looking man outside, he looked pretty familiar but I notice that creepy man walked up towards the door, I started panicking "OMG!!! IS HE A BURGULAR, KILLER, NAZI FOLLOWER OR A COOKIE STEALER!!!!?" I screamed. The creepy stranger started knocking on the door, I panicked and ran to Indo's room and try to wake indo up (Indo is on the floor) "INDO WAKE UP!! A CREEPY STRANGER IS KNOCKING ON THE DOOR!!HIS GONNA STEAL MY COOKIES OR YOUR INDOMIE!!!" Indo didn't open her eyes.

"HEY!!! Is anyone here!? I just want to talk to Indo!!" the mysterious person said. I immediately recognized that voice "That voice, Is that.....NORTH KOREA????!!" I walked to the door and open the door, and North was in front of the door with a red rose in his hand, he wasn't holding a nuke which was good. 


I looked at the familiar-looking girl in Indo's house but for some strange reason she looked like a female version of Thailand, "Who are you??" I asked the girl, She looked at me and take a deep breath "It's me Thai, I um....changed myself into a girl. "OH...So it's Thailand"....I didn't know that Thai likes LGBT but I wasn't surprised with Thai's new gender because I knew he would do this one day. Thai was about to close the door in front of my face, luckily I grabbed the door before she closed I "Thai don't close the door on me!!!" I barked ,Thai looked at me with an expression I've never seen her make all I can say is that she looks both helpless and guilty, I've seen a lot of people make this face (even my dumb brother, south) but I've never seen Thai made this face. "North, I need your help!" I looked at Thai and I won't deny, I was pretty surprised when she ask for my help "My help?" I ask to make sure I wasn't hearing things, Thai nodded "It's about Indo, I need your help...She" Thai pointed at a room I didn't understand what was going on until I notice a hand "Indo fainted and I can't lift her up" Thai mumbled. I didn't hesitate and push Thai from blocking me and I immediately rushed towards the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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