Warm Welcoming

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The boy had sat there for at least five minutes waiting to see if anyone heard his call. He finally gave up thinking they didn't hear him until the sound of the door opened and the boy's heart lept out his chest. He was petrified, eyes big as saucers, heart palpitating, and palms sweating profusely. He felt like he was having an anxiety attack.

Soon a boy popped into the room. He had on a yellow mask with brown curls sticking out and was clad in skinny jeans that looked painted on and a graphic tee. He stalked over to the boy and stood in front at least five feet away though.

"H-Hey" He said quietly.

The boy raised a brow. Really? He was tied up in some unkown location and this guy in a ski mask is saying hey? What the hell is going on?

"Um, h-hi" The boy croaked.

"What's your name?" Harry asked.

"N-Niall" The boy said.

Harry nodded in reply. Niall. What a great name.

"W-what am I d-doing here?" Niall asked shakily.

"I...I don't know..." Harry admitted barely audible. He chewed on his lower lip and looked up at Niall through his thick lashes.

"Huh?" Niall shot a confused but cute look and tried leaning forward to hear better.

"I don't know" Harry repeated.

"T-then why am I here? Let me go!" Niall raised his voice.

"Shhh!" Harry put his pointer finger to his lips.

"No, I will not shhh! I wanna know where I am and why I'm here!"

Harry snapped after that. This sweet, innocent boy seems to have a temper and Harry doesn't like that. But at the same time, Harry has quite a temper too. Which he's about to release.

He stomps forward and leans down, having his face centimeters from Niall's. He shot a glance to the boy's lips before staring back into his now terrified eyes. "Don't you fucking yell at me, you twat. You do as I say or suffer the consequences."

Niall nodded vigorously in reply. Harry leaned back and cleared his throat trying to act professional which really what's the point? He just murdered like a hundred people and he's in dirty warehouse. "Good, now would you like anything to eat?"

"S-sure" Niall said.

Harry nodded then exited the room. A moment later he returned with a small bag of Doritos and Scooby Doo fruit snacks. He threw them into Niall's lap carelessly, which right after he felt awful for and then stormed out the room.

He didn't wanna be mean to Niall but Niall was yelling and Harry didn't want Liam or Louis to have to come in and make the situation worse.

In fact, he didn't want Niall to meet Liam or Louis at all. He wanted Niall to himself as selfish as it may seem. Liam and Louis would try to hurt Niall or make him join their group, which Harry absolutely didn't want. He wanted Niall to go back living his life, not end up in a jail cell or in the ground. He was too pure to kill. Too pure to be hurt too, which is why Harry will do his best to keep the innocent boy away from his crazy friends.

Harry walked out the room immediately taking off the mask that he hated wearing. He saw Liam and Louis seated on the dirty floor with blueprints and plans scattered around them.

"Hey, Haz come on over. We're just going over the plan for Linkman" Louis said motioning for him to come over.

Harry bit his lip. "Maybe we should...not do this?"

Liam and Louis' head shot up after those words left Harry's mouth. "What?" Louis said, voice much more darker and cruel.

"I-I mean n-not right now, I'm t-tired" Harry covered up quickly.

"I guess" Liam replied while piling up the works in a neat stack.

"So what'd you and your new friend talk about?" Liam said half-joing, half-serious.

"He just told me his name and I gave him some food" Harry shrugged his shoulders. He was totally not thinking about how cute Niall was. Not at all.

"Hmm, okay and what's his name?" Liam questioned.

"Why does it matter?" Harry rose an eyebrow.

"Oh, it does, now tell me" Liam pushed.

Harry rolled his eyes but answered. "Its Niall."

"Niall?" Louis said.

"Yes, Niall."

"What kind of name is that?" Louis laughed.

"What kind of name is Louis? The only name I know is Lewis" Harry snapped.

Louis flipped Harry off and then walked off. Liam glanced at him before turning his attention to Harry. "Did you talk to him about...you know..."


Liam groaned. "You gotta talk to him, H. This isn't some type of joke. Now he either joins or he dies."

"I-I don't wanna spring that on him yet. He needs...time" Harry said gripping at his curls.

"Time? For what? He's tied up for fucks sake! What the hell is wrong with you? You've been acting all weird lately. You came up with this damn plan, Harry, to kill and to have no regrets. We weren't suppose to bring anyone along and what do you do? You bring someone along!" Liam yelled getting frustrated.

"I'm not being sympathetic! Look, I will handle it okay?! Stop bothering me!" Harry shouted marching off to the door.

"And where the fuck do you think you're going?!"


"You have company here, Harry! What the hell am I suppose to do with him?!" Liam shouted.

"Leave him alone, that's what!" Harry screamed before slamming the door.

Liam ran a hand over his buzz cut hair and sighed. "I did not sign up for this to become a fucking babysitter" He mumbled to himself.

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