Chapter Two: Off-Tempo

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Everyone seemed more tense than usual at band rehearsal on that Friday afternoon, buzzing with nervousness due to their first gig coming up on Sunday. Kiersan propelled her drum sticks between her fingers as they waited for Matthew Harding, their lead singer, to arrive.

"It's been four fucking months of being together and we still don't have a band name?" Olivia Heel rambled, pacing around with her electric guitar slung over her shoulders.

"I suggested 'Slick Clit', but still haven't received any feedback." Kiersan piped from her place sat behind the drum. Olivia rolled her eyes at Kiersan, feeling agitated.

"Did you put it in the suggestion box?" Olivia asked, to which Kiersan nodded, "Good, I burned that fucking box, how's that for feedback?" This prompted a hearty laugh from Kiersan.

"Will you guys relax? It's my uncle's wedding, not the second coming of Jesus Christ." Kiersan said, beginning to play a beat on the drums. Evan Tatcher, the bass player, joined in with Kiersan's harmony as he laughed.

"We have to take it seriously though. You never know who might be at that wedding."

"Simon Cowell's not coming to my drug-lord Uncle Jim's fifth wedding, ya'll." The pianist, Sophia Rockwell, snorted at this, joining in on the melody that Kiersan and Evan had begun.

"Where in hell is that bastard? He can barely carry a tune and thinks that excuses him from arriving on time?" Olivia asked, causing everyone to laugh.

"Wow, harsh." Matthew feigned offense as he appeared at the doorway, placing his right hand over his heart as he took his place at the front.

"Truth hurts, huh?" Olivia snapped, getting her guitar in playing position as Kiersan, Evan, and Sophia stopped their tune. Kiersan cleared her throat as her huge basement grew silent.

It was rather sudden when Kiersan exclaimed, "We are Slick Clit here to rock your motherfucking world, and a 1, a 2, a 1,2,3 go!"

Noise issued. They were nothing but a bunch of noises which created a giant incoherent noise in return. They sucked, and they knew they did, but for people who wanted to get discovered, they really didn't give a fuck about how bad their music was. Their main motto was always to have fun as it was why the band had started in the first place. The five of them had gathered with their mostly minimalistic music knowledge, and just played together with nothing good truly coming out of it besides awesome memories and many laughs together. They would humiliate themselves this Sunday, and they knew that very well, but at least, they would humiliate themselves together.

As practice finished about two hours later, Olivia removed the guitar from around her neck and placed it on its stand before going up to Kiersan and looking her firmly in the eyes.

"We are not Slick Clit, and we will be never be Slick Clit because we sound like a joke, and honestly we already sound like a joke enough without that ridiculous ass name." Kiersan laughed, placing her drumsticks on the ground as she prepared to stand.

    "You guys know Seraphina Jones?" She asked her four friends. There were a few hums of confirmation as Kiersan stood and walked over to sit on the lounge chair in front of the T.V.

    "Isn't she the one dating my brother?" Matthew piped, "She is so unbelievably gorgeous. And she must be nice to agree to reenact Beauty and the Beast with my brother."

    "Didn't know you had an identical twin," Olivia chuckled as Matthew turned and sent her the middle finger. He rolled his eyes, fixed his hair, and patted his shirt down, metaphorically regaining his dignity.

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