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It's a felling that is truly magical.

It get you through sad times. Grief. It makes you laugh when you need to be lifted up.

It gets you through the madness. The truly insane moments in your life when you have to let go.

Happiness is a delusion. A thing that our minds make up. Though we may not know ourselves, happiness is a distraction. A defense mechanism against the craziness that is attacking our minds every minuet of every day.

But don't let the madness win. Whatever you do don't stop fighting. The craziness will over run you. You won't be in control any more. Madness will do anything to destroy you. It won't be you in that padded room. You will be nothing but an empty casing for the madness. Your soul forever trapped. Not even death will save you. The madness will drive your soul to the deeps of hell. Where your spirt will burn forever.

I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just warning you .

Because madness is closer than you think.

It's in your house. In your room.

In your mind.

Please don't give up.

Don't be like me and give in to the madness.


So I bet you wonderful people are wondering where that came from. ( I am to ( ゚д゚) )

Well I was reading the creepy pasta called the Russian sleep experiment. The last thing the experiments said inspired me to write this( one of the last things the experiment said). So good bye my beautiful people (^O^)

P.s. This is not exactly the best I can do so yea bye again!

Delusional happinessWhere stories live. Discover now