Meeting them

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( Italic's mean Sara is talking to her wolf Fae. Bold means Fae is talking to Sara.)

The territory I ran into was the strongest pack's in the United States, I ran into the Blood Moon pack. My wolf was alert and made our eye sight and hearing better. We took tentative steps and were cautious about our surroundings, my wolf Fae picked up on two powerful presence close to where we were. "What is it Fae?" Fae made me start running and my shape shifter helped me run faster. "Sara there is something wrong, we need to get out of this territory as quick as possible!"

Just as we started to run at our top speed two midnight wolves jumped in front of me and my wolf started going crazy. I was going in and out of consciousness and right before I passed out my wolf screamed one word that scared me to death. Fae screamed out the word that was going to haunt me day and night. The word Fae screamed was one that was surely mistaken or I was dreaming. Fae
screamed this one word that made my world crumble.

Nate's POV

(N is for Nate and D is for Devon when they are talking through the pack link.)

Devon and I were out patrolling our land when I smelt the most intoxicating smell I have ever smelt. The smell was of lavender and honey!
N- Hey Devon do you smell that?
D- Yeah dude, I wonder where it is coming from?
N- Let's follow it!
D- Agreed!

As we were running through the woods I felt a powerful presence enter our territory. For some reason my wolf took over my body completely and started to run at full speed towards the smell! I could also tell that my brothers wolf also took over his body too. For some reason my wolf felt like he needed to protect the presence that came into our territory.

The next thing I saw was my twin brother and I in front of a gorgeous she-wolf, her fur was as white as snow and I could tell that she was special! My wolf screamed one word that made me so happy, he screamed MATE!!!!!! Devon's wolf screamed the same word as my wolf did.

I looked into the she-wolfs eyes and saw panic right before she passed out! She shifted back to her human form with her clothes on which I thought only my brother and I could do. Devon and I shifted back to our humans forms and ran to our mates side, she had blood, bruises, and huge scars along her body. I picked her up bridle style and took off running toward the pack house to get the pack doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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