Unbroken (An Alex From Target Love Story)

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It was a warm summer's day, and I was feeling really down. Words could not describe my thirst for the boy I saw at the cash register yesterday. I remember the feeling I got when I first laid eyes upon this beautiful specimen. It was love at first sight, there was no doubt about that. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, and hair browner than the shit I took yesterday. I just wanted to get that flamboyant red shirt off his toned body. 

When we looked at each other, there were sparks. His shit brown hair glistened in the flourescent target lighting, and I could have almost sworn that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. We were without question meant for each other.

The way he scanned my roseart crayons was so sensual, his fingers glided along the packaging in a way that he almost knew would drive me crazy. It was then, that I saw his name.


That pushed me over the edge. A name so beautiful and exquisite, could only be meant for a boy so stunning and beguilling. I couldnt help but wonder if his name was Alexander. I went home that day, and looked at the name. I looked at urban dictionary, and the name meant lover of daquan. That was the moment I knew that Alex was the one for me. I fell in love at that very moment.

I needed to see him again.

I put on my sweatpants and a croptop, and threw my hair into a messy bun, as well as putting on my ugg boots. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, so I applied only a little bit of makeup. Some lip gloss and mascara would do.

I got into my white mercedes and turned on the stereo, pressing play on buckwild. The song that truly had the key to my heart. I sang at the top of my lungs "We gon' party buckwild!" Taylor canopener was my angle. He was there for me for the 6 seconds that nobody else was. When he said that he looked for a big boobs and a nice vagina in girls, he became my inspiration, my heart went straight out to him, and I was able to call him my angle.

I then drove to starbucks, buying a pumpkin spice latte in an attempt to calm my nerves. That's when I saw him. Not Alex.

But Frankie.

He was almost as beautiful as Alex. Although his eyes weren't as bright as my sunshine's Nash Grier, they still luminised the air around me. His hair was a little darker than Alex's, much like the shit I took last week. Even though a conversation of only ten words was spoken between us, I was beginning to feel torn.

Who was I going to choose?

I loved them both, but I knew that if I had any morals to stick to, I could only pick one.

Who would it be?

Alex from target?

Or Frankie from starbucks?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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