chapter 4

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Walking...its like an endless trail i want to cry sometimes i just wanted to hit someone i didnt care who i just did.When i get home my fathers there and he looked like he was ready to kill me again i quickly go upstairs and sleep feeling lonely without Germany...

Next day

I wake up sad again i get up and go to polands because i knew he knew where germany lived.I got there and said "Where does Germany live,poland?" he scrowls and sighs,"he lives *Germanys location*" i leave and go to his house and climb up a tree to say hi he was naked i fucking die and fall from the tree Germany is now looking down...yea he saw me and said,"W-w-what the f-fuck RUSSLAND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING LOOKING THROUGH MY WINDOW" i flinched i didnt like people yelling but Germany was red faced he to what i assume was changing leaves from the window and comes out side in a shirt that goes down a little above his knees he picks me up and asks "what the hell are you doing here??" "i-i...i dont know" he looked at me and laughed "you look very nice today russland" i hide my face "aw~ dont hide from me" i start blushing. 'Why is he flirting with me or something like that??' and then i pass out

To be continued

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