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The temperature is a cool sixty degrees in San Antonio, California on a cool autumn afternoon in September 1995. The park is filled with active joggers, families feeding ducks by the pond, college teens playing catch football and families having picnics.

"Come on son. Remember when you throw the ball, turn your shoulder when you pull your arm back and then when you release it, use your fingers to toss it and not your palm" an African-American man in his late twenties says. Dressed casually in jeans, a wife beater and black sneakers.

"Ok daddy" a young boy says who stands across the man, dressed similar to the man except he is wearing a red shirt.

"Declan don't be too hard on my baby, he's only five" a woman in her late twenties says; she is sitting under a tree, on a blanket with a sundress and blue jean jacket on.

"I know how old my son is Jean. Just go back to reading your book woman. Now DJ throw me the ball, just like I told you" Declan says to his son; DJ turns his body as far as his little legs will go and throws the ball towards his dad. As he does, gunshots are heard throughout the park; people are yelling and screaming.

Jeanette screams for her son to get on his knees as she hurries over to him on her knees; she covers her body with his and prays they make it out alive.

The park suddenly gets tired as tire sounds are heard screeching off; Jeanette slowly raises her head and sees no threat before picking her son up and examining him for wounds.

"Baby boy are you ok? You aren't hurt are you" she asks raising his arms and looking over him. DJ just shakes his head before wrapping his arms around her neck and burying his head in her shoulder, she lets out a giant breath she didn't know that she was holding as she cradles his head.

"Mommy where's daddy" DJ mumbles against her skin, Jeanette raises her head and looks around the park before she sees her husband laying on his side with an arm outstretched above his head.

"Declan" she screams and picks her son up in her arms before racing over to her husband, she drops down to her knees before releasing DJ. Turning Declan over on his back, she sees a hole in his lower stomach and another in his shoulder. His eyes are half slitted and she can hear his jagged and labored breathing, DJ looks down at the blood pouring from his dad and freezes in place.

"J..Jean" Declan says opening his mouth, his teeth stained with his own blood.

"Shush. Save your energy. Press against your wound to help the blood lost. Baby you're gonna be ok" she says with tears in her eyes, but deep down in her heart she knows he has already lost too much blood.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted to leave you and the kids behind" he says grunting before gasping as his upper body shakes, DJ shakingly walks over to his dad and wraps his fingers around his house.

"Daddy don't go. Stay with me and mommy. We need you daddy. Please don't go" DJ begs, his chestnut brown eyes filling with tears.

"I love the three of you so much. Never forget that" Declan says before his eyes close and his grip on DJ's hand loosens. Jeanette looks to see Declan's hand resting against her stomach and she breaks down crying even harder; she just found out she was eight weeks pregnant three days ago. He knew and now their second child will never know his or her father. Jeanette leans over crying over her husband's still body, sirens wailing in the distance. DJ stares into the lifeless body of his father, listening to the heartbroken sobs of his mother but inside he feels numb and cold.

Three weeks have passed since Declan's death, his parents flew from Ohio as soon as they got the news. Jeanette took the death hard and stopped eating and was restless, her mother-in-law had to force her to eat and remind her that she is pregnant. DJ is currently sitting in the middle of his bedroom playing with an airplane his dead got him, the door opens and his uncle Damion walks in.

"Hey little man. How are you feeling? Did you eat yet" Damion kneeling beside his nephew.

"Grandma Maddie gave me Mac & cheese and some chicken. Uncle Damie, Daddy told me that God protects good people. Is that right" DJ says and looks up from playing with his plane.

"Yeah buddy that's right. God is the protector and savior of us all" Damion says.

"Why didn't God protect my Daddy then? Now he left me and mommy all alone. I don't like being alone. I want my daddy back. Tell God to bring back my Daddy" DJ states and Damion looks at his nephew's trembling bottom lip and hates to hurt him even more.

"That's not how God works baby boy. Once God takes someone to Heaven, he can't bring them back to us" Damion says with tears in his own eyes.

"I don't like God then" DJ exclaims, Damion knows his mother would have a fit if she heard her grandson say that but he's only five and can only comprehend so much.

"Look man I got a gift from you. It was your dad's but I know he would want you to have it" Damion says and digs in his pocket. He pulls out a silver cross and slips it over his nephews neck.

"There now you'll always have a piece of your dad with you. DJ just know that your dad loved you and your mom very much, he didn't choose to leave you and he never would have. You are his son and his first born, that means you're strong just like him. Your mom and little brother or sister will need you. Can you promise me to look after them" Damion says and DJ nods his hand while holding the cross in his hands.

"I promise Uncle Damie and I promise daddy to get who hurt you" DJ says before turning back to his toys.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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