My Annabel Lee / Amid the Roar

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My Annabel Lee

Charlie kidnapped her. He locked her up and stripped her of her defenses. She is his now but she won't let it be that way for long.

If Gabrielle wants to escape his basement, she’ll have to rely on her wits. And playing along with her captor's sick game seems like her best chance. She must convince him that she loves him and hopefully he'll truly fall for her in turn.

After all, if you love somebody you should let them go... right?


Amid the Road (sequeal)

Certain things in life inevitably change a person. For Gabrielle, it was the months she was locked away in the basement of a deranged man named Charlie. Since her captivity, she has grown fiercer with more anger and a lust for manipulation. She wants revenge not only on Charlie but the people who have abused her respect.

Gabrielle’s cousin, Jason, has had his share of demons. Add his hatred with Gabrielle’s pent up aggression and no one can tell what they’ll do next.

The two have good intentions but everyone knows that’s what the roads to hell are paved with…


Author: LifeLustingDreamer

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