The Genesis

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The Genesis


There are two types of beings on this earth. The humans and then there are us. We are the ones that are unnatural to this world, “freaks of nature”. We are despised for being different. We are the one things humans hate. We are the Genesis.

For the past decades we, the Genesis, have been hunted to near extinction. Originally we were normal people like any other human. We ate, slept, and worked. We lived a mundane life. Then it happened. The earth was hit with an epidemic that caused the death of millions. No one knew the cause of it and the cure was unknown. Death became a daily occurrence and the human population began to decrease dramatically. The government could no longer stand by and built walls to block out the epidemic. The poor and infected were left to die in the slums and the wealthy and healthy were allowed inside the walls for a hefty fine. Soon the epidemic passed and human population began to grow. After a couple of decades everything was back to normal. No one knew what caused the epidemic and no really cared about it anymore. They believed that everything was fine but they were wrong.

Not everyone who was infected died. There were a 1 percentage of 100000 that survived. These people began to gain power, powers that were not possible for an average human being. These powers were soon discovered by the public and soon all the people with the powers were labeled as a threat and captured immediately. They were named the Genesis. They were experimented on and tortured. Many of them turned into weapons for the military. Each Genesis had a special ability and some even multiple ones. To have a Genesis was like having the world in your palm. They were the greatest weapon on earth. However, there was an uprising in the Genesis. They were sick of being treated like objects. The Genesis had great power but few in number while the humans still had some Genesis and a never ending amount of soldiers. The Genesis began to become weary from excessive use of their powers and began to weaken. They were soon overpowered and killed because of fear. The war had taken a large toll on the people and the surroundings. Thousands of people had died and cities had been destroyed. Little did they now that they had missed one small infant.

My name is Luka and I am the last surviving member of Genesis.

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