Everyone's Tried Murder at SOME Point.

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"Thank Christ, you're awake kid," Seth said.

"I must've used too much magic in that thing," Sunset said.

"Speaking of which," Sofia said, pushing herself to more of a sitting position, "HOW IN HELL CAN YOU OPEN YOURSELF, OPEN RIBS LIKE LITERAL CAGE, TAKE OUT AND BLOW YOUR LUNG UP LIKE BALLOON, AND SWALLOW YOUR TEETH FOR NEW ONES GODDAMMIT‽‽‽" Sofia said, glaring at Sunset as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came in the room.

Sunset was visibly stunned by this, then Pinkie started to say something, but found herself at a loss.

After a minute, she looked at the reader and pointed at her head, "Whoops, there it goes. Yup, my Pinkie-Sense stopped."

"I think they've got that, already," Discord said.

"Let me guess why you're here," Sofia said to Celestia, "You want to know about Byelorussia."

"Want to know about- no," she replied, "I'm a princess from another reality."

"I now know less about America than before."

"A...merica?" Celestia replied, confused, "What's a Merica?"

"Mom," Sunset said, "America is the country they live in," she looked at Sofia, "Well, except for her. She lives in the Soviet Union."


"Quick show of hands," Seth said, "In this room, how many people have tried to kill someone somehow?" every hand in the room went up, "Good. We're all terrible people, cut, said, and done."

"That is a good question, Sofia," Rainbow Dash said, turning to Sunset, "You looked pretty bad, then the next morning you looked good as new."

"Two words," she replied, "Chaos Magic."

"Can I get up now," Sofia said, "It is going to take all of vodka I find to process this."

"The important thing is that you're alright," Celestia said.

"Thanks for not killing me."

"That's over and done with now."

"We've seen the full story," Discord said (literally in his case).

In the coming months, everything would happen more-or-less as it does in the EqG timeline, but Seth starts talking to Zecora, Sofia would go back to Moskva until she was sure she could stay by herself in Minsk again, and everyone tries to live their lives like normal.

Until the next magical thing comes along and tries to kill them all.

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