2p America

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You were at a bar, practically drowning yourself in alcohol after a nasty break up with your boyfriend, when you heard someone sit next to you. You looked to see your best friend, Allen F. Jones, sitting next to you looking oddly concerned about you. "You good, doll? You kinda look like shit." You scoff as you mutter before taking another sip of your drink "Allen F. Jones actually cares about me? The world must be coming to an end." "I'm serious, doll. This isn't like you." You glare at Allen as you snap "I just want to get over my shitty break up, okay?! Damn." Allen looks at you in shock as he asks "That dumbass broke up with you?" "No, I broke up with him after I found out he's been cheating on me for a few months now." You mumbled miserably, downing your whiskey and ordering another one. "That piece of shit! I'm gonna give that fucker a piece of my mind when I find him." Allen practically growled, shocking you. "Why? I thought you didn't care, Al." "Babe, I've liked you since I first met you." "But, you helped me get together with him." You said in confusion while staring at Allen. "I know, and I regret it. Now, I have a reason to beat the shit out of that fuckface." Allen stated, not breaking eye contact. You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "I hope you realize I'm not gonna get together with you instantly because I just got out of a shitty relationship, right?" You questioned. "Yeah, I know. Can I beat the shit out of him now?" Allen asked. "Go wild, take me back to your place first." "Sure thing, dollface." Allen said as he lead you out of the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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