Closing Time

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Well, guys, we made it. 

Was that not amazing? 

What about @sigrist's turn on that spunky heroine story? Hm? Or that opening line in @elveloy's Space Opera space opera? From the happy to the morose, the thought provoking to the ones that left you in stitches, these guys did an amazing to infinity job of making TKX literally, The Best Yet. 

Thanks to you, writers. You have taken the small thought that was Tevun Krus and fanned it into something that is more on fire every issue. Each month, a collaboration of writers coming together to produce a joint work of effort, time, creativity and imagination? That's exactly what we wanted. You guys are amazing. I am surprised and encouraged by all of you, every month, and this would--literally--not be possible without you. Thank you for all you do. 

Thanks to you, readers. You make it worth all the time and effort it takes to put those creative, imaginative words on paper. You guys are amazing. I cannot tell you how encouraged I am to log on to the @ForbiddenPlanet account to find more votes, likes, and comments on issues that we put together months ago. It's a great thing to see. Thank you for that. We know it's not a popularity contest, that is not why we do it, but you are great nonetheless. 

If you are a first time reader, and you are thinking, "Wow! This is awesome!" Which you're right, it is. "How do I get involved?" 

Well, it's pretty simple. 

In each issue of TK, we let you know what the upcoming issue is going to be about. Which subgenre we're tackling the next month. 

If you want to play along, you can respond somewhere in the issue, shoot us a PM, join on that month's thread in the scifi club, send a smoke signal, a carrier pigeon, or release a message in a bottle. 

We'd love to have you on board. Just contact us for details. 

Guys, again, thank you from the bottom of this big 'ole green ForbiddenPlanet heart for your reading, your writing, and your support of TK. If you would like to further support Tevun Krus, know that we have entered this issue--TKX-- in the Watty Awards for 2014. Go over and place your vote, today, and tell a friend. We want to keep this thing rolling, bigger and bigger, for the months to come. 

We'll see you guys in the new year. Until then, thanks again. And as always, happy reading-- 

SP Parish

Tevun-Krus #10 - TKX: Best of 2014Where stories live. Discover now