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A/N: Yay~ Let's have more cute one-shots with unoriginal story titles! :3 You know, depression really helps me put out stories--as terrible as it sounds. This story is very roughly edited, so if there's typos, just... You know what I meant by them. If it's simply atrocious, please let me know and I'll rectify it as soon as possible.

Also! I am so so sorry if I made any mistakes regarding the theology involved in this story. I am not a religious person, but I did try to research the matters discussed in this as much as possible. The internet is such a shady place sometimes though, and I wouldn't be able to read the bible. 


Life is boring.

I sighed and rolled onto my back, staring up at the speckled ceiling of my dormitory room. The sound of rain could be heard, pouring onto the concrete outside. I could hear people shouting outside in the hallway, setting plans for Saturday night, which no doubt would involve some kind of alcohol and illegal drug.

I sat up and rolled my head back onto my shoulders, some of the tension there easing off in gradual waves. I picked up my phone and stared at the ocean landscape picture. Some acquaintances of mine invited me to the coast a few weeks back while the weather was still good, and I happened to like the picture enough to set it as my lock screen, but something about it still didn’t sit right in me.

I lied back down with another sigh. It was only about five o’clock now, meaning that the cafeteria was just about to open up for dinner. I wasn’t particularly hungry though, so I just rolled back onto my side and stared at the wall.

When my roommate Jun came in half an hour later, I don’t think he even knew I was awake. Ever polite as he was though, he moved about the room quietly, trying to not make too much noise as to not ‘wake me up.’ I heard him rifle though his school bag, emptying it of various things before placing a few more things into it before zipping it up once again and leaving the room just as quietly as he came in.

I rolled back into a supine position. I wasn’t hungry, but I knew my mom would freak out again if I came home for the holidays with less weight. With some reluctance, I sat and grabbed my hot pot. I went to the bathroom and rinsed it of any water that may have been left in there from last time before filling it again. I carried the now full pot into my room and turned it on.

Ten minutes later, I was voluntarily placing forkfuls of MSG-loaded instant ramen into my mouth before swallowing the salty food. I had my laptop open as well as I continued to eat at my desk. I scrolled through tumblr for a bit, bored. I stared uninterestedly as landscape photos, pale pictures, and the inevitable tumblr porn rolled past my eyes. I reblogged a few things that I found interesting before changing to a different tab.

Facebook was more or less the same. People were freaking out about Ebola in the States while others were posting happy pictures of their baby bumps. I shuddered at those. These people were the same age as me—a ripe and healthy eighteen—and just months after graduating high school, they were knocked up. Didn’t they have an education to care about?

I scolded myself inwardly at the thought. I wasn’t much better. I was floating through all my classes despite being at a prestigious liberal arts college. I just did the minimal work needed and sometimes did it just before class. I thought that my terrible procrastination would have gotten better moving to a high education school, but it has only gotten worse.

I sighed once more before going to YouTube, hoping I could find some sort of amusement there. I watched some updates in my subscriptions. Some of them interested me, but not enough to ease my boredom. I searched for some creepypasta readings to listen to as I finished off the rest of my instant ramen. I drank the excess broth and tossed the now empty cup into the waste bin beneath my desk. I stretched out as I settled in for some unsettling stories.

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