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I was sitting in shakes and ladders before rehearsals. I was still heartbroken over Richelle even though it had been a few weeks since I had seen her and ozzy kiss.

A tall brown haired guy walked in and sat next to me, looking around suspiciously. "Your Elliott, right?" He asked.

"How did you kn-"

"Don't worry about all of that. So, a little birdy told me you have a crush on Richelle?"

"How do you know Richelle?" I asked.

"Let's just say, I have history with her." He told me. "Anyways, what would you do to make her be yours?"

My ears perked up, "anything!"

He smiled at me "good. I have a plan. Meet me here again after rehearsals."

He got up to walk out of the shop, "Wait, what's your name?" I asked before he left.

"Noah." He replied.


After rehearsals I went down to shakes and ladders like Noah instructed me to. He was already there on his phone so I went and sat opposite him.

"The plan is simple." He started as soon as I sat down. "We get Ozzy kicked off A-troupe, and without him in the way Richelle will be all mi- I mean yours. Got it?"

I nodded. "How do we do that though?" I asked.

Noah smiled at me. "Easy. Steal your own nationals entry form and put it in Ozzy's bag."

My mouth dropped open, "I- i- i cant do that, I don't know how."

"Well I know that Emily has a meeting with miss Kate right now in studio one, so if you go now, no one will catch you." He told me.

I sighed heavily. "Ok, I'll try." I told him.


When I got to studio A I rushed into the office and into the desk where I knew she kept all of her papers. I took my one and rushed out to the cubbies again.

Then I noticed Richelle crying on one of the benches. I quickly put the paper in ozzys bag before she noticed me. As I turned to leave, I felt bad for her and turned back.

"Richelle?" I called out. She looked up from her knees and quickly wiped her tears.

"Hi, Elliott" She said.

"You ok?" I asked. She nodded slowly.

"It's fine, I'm fine." She told me.

I backed away slowly because I didn't want to be here any longer than I had to.

I went back down to shakes and ladders where Noah was still waiting. "It's done." I told him before leaving the building.


The next morning we were all stretching when Emily stormed out of her office.

"Elliott where's your nationals entry form?" She asked angrily.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I gave it to you, remember?" I told her.

She sighed "yes I know, but it's not there now." I tried my best to look confused with everyone staring at me. "They have to be handed in TODAY!"

After a while she shouted "BAG CHECKS!" and went over to the cubbies to start looking through everyone's bag. When she got to ozzys bag I tensed.

"What's THIS?" Emily roared. I gulped while looking at ozzys shocked face.

"I did NOT take his form!" He said. He gave me an evil look as if he already knew what I did.

"Do how else did it end up in your bag?" Emily asked.

"It must be him!" He said angrily, pointing at me.

"Why would he put his own form in your bag?" Emily questioned.

"I wasn't even in studio A yesterday" I lied. Richelle gave me a confused look.

"But-" She started.

"But, Richelle was" I said trying to cover for myself. After I said it I realised I had made a mistake.

"And how do you know that?" Kingston asked from behind me.

"Because-, because-," I stuttered. I had been caught.

"I HATE THIS STUDIO ANYWAYS!" I shouted before storming out of the room. I had messed up everything.

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