Potty, Loo, John... (uncensored)

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*70's Game Show Music* Welcome back guys! So today I've got my good friend John (last name censored for privacy)! John is a marketing director and has a huge heart. He spends his freetime helping children with cancer and/or special needs. Not to mention he's 6'4" and nothing but muscle. He's got the most beautiful eyes and is the definition of beautiful. But wait! There's more! He's also straight! *audience gasps* 

RollingPinkLedWho: Great to have ya on the show, John. Please make yourself comfortable.

John: *sits down on couch* Thanks, AnnaMarissa! It's great to be here!

RollingPinkLedWho: Wait... You still have clothes on... Why?

John: Ummm... Because if I didn't, I would be naked?

RollingPinkLedWho: But I said "Make yourself comfortable." That's like a nice way of saying "Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" Lol!

John: Ooooh! I see. Well if I have to get "comfortable" so do you.

RollingPinkLedWho: ...Fine! But you go first. *Winks at audience*

John: Okay. *takes off his shirt*

RollingPinkLedWho: *drool drips from mouth*

John: You okay?

RollingPinkLedWho: *stares at muscles*

John: Yoohoo!

RollingPinkLedWho: Huh? Oh! Right! *takes off shirt*

John: That's a cute bra. I like the frilly little lace. Haha, I never thought I'd be using "frilly little lace" in a sentence about you. Lol!

RollingPinkLedWho: Yeah,  I guess I picked a good day to wear one. Lol!

John: Yeah, I can tell when you're not. *winks*

RollingPinkLedWho: Oh? Well it's nice to know that somebody notices. :D

John: Oh believe me, I notice. Lol!

RollingPinkLedWho: Aw! You're so sweet! *walks over and hugs John*

*awkwardly silent hug*

John: So... How about that hockey lockout?

RollingPinkLedWho: Oh! Don't even get me started! I'm so fucking pissed! This was supposed to be the year The Flyers won the cup!

John: You know what the worst part is? LA gets to keep the cup for the rest of the year.

RollingPinkLedWho: Fuck. This is the worst hockey season ever! Lol!

John: Yeah... 

RollingPinkLedWho: I know you're still looking at my bra.

John: I am not! I was looking at your necklace. *nods factually*

RollingPinkLedWho: Oh really? *covers necklace* What charm is on my necklace?

John: ... Um... I know it's numbers!

RollingPinkLedWho: "78" and I rest my case. Lol!

John: I knew that! *blows raspberry*

RollingPinkLedWho: Oh real mature, John! *flips him off*

John: Hey, I'm the adult here! I will decide what is mature and what's not! *crosses arms and looks away*

RollingPinkLedWho: *laughs her ass off*

John: Bitch...

RollingPinkLedWho: *continues to laugh her ass off*

John: I'm gonna put my shirt back on if you don't stop laughing!

RollingPinkLedWho: *stops laughing suddenly* Okay, okay! Let's not do anything drastic! 

John: Lol, you're such a dork.

RollingPinkLedWho: You know that secretly turns you on.

John: It does not!

RollingPinkLedWho: Admit it! You like me! You think I'm se-xy, you wanna ki-ss me, you wanna ma-rry me! (Think Miss Congeniality)

John: Oh shut up! Are you high?

RollingPinkLedWho: *death stares at John* No! I'm not fucking high!

John: Geez, sorry! Maybe you should be. You seem kind of bitchy. Are you "on the rag"?

RollingPinkLedWho: Uh no. Are you?

John: *looks at me like (O.o)*

RollingPinkLedWho: What?

John: Haha, I dunno.

RollingPinkLedWho: Alright then... So off with his pants! 

John: Haha, really?

RollingPinkLedWho: I'll do it if you do it.

John: *silently contemplates shit*

RollingPinkLedWho: What cha thinkin' 'bout?

John: Why I didn't wear underwear today...

RollingPinkLedWho: Oh... Wow... Yum... So yeah! Pants come off now! Lol!

John: Hahahahahahaha! No.

RollingPinkLedWho: You suck... No wait, That's my job. ;D

John: *Laughs hysterically*

RollingPinkLedWho: *in sultry voice* You like that, don't ya, big boy? 

John: *stops laughing* Well I think I should be going.

RollingPinkLedWho: NOOOO! You mustn't deprive me of the joy I get from seeing you shirtless!

John: Haha, Ditto. But really I've got to get to work.

RollingPinkLedWho: Aw! You're so sweet. :P You grown ups and your jobs... Lol!

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