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EXCERPTS FROM ARCHMAESTER VAEGON TARGARYEN OF THE CITADEL. Whilst most records and accounts of Lady Roselyn Hightower, or formally known, Lady Roselyn Tully have been lost. One archived journal from the Archmaester Vaegon Targaryen of the Citadel, has been found within the walls of the former Archmaester's bedchambers.

The small thin journal was in terrible condition. The pages were rotted with water damage, ink faded and eaten away with age. Leaving to believe that it was neglected on purpose, or was kept in secret further erasing Lady Roselyn Hightower from history. These excerpts will not be translated, rewritten, nor will it be brought to the attention of the reigning King Robert Baratheon.


The Lady Roselyn Tully, only daughter of Lord Elmo Tully and Lady Elinor Blackwood, is born on the 10th day of the 5th moon of 108 AC. She is the youngest of the three children, with two elder brother's Kermit and Oscar Tully. The young babe is born with dark auburn hair with eyes of green, and appears to be in good health. No deformities or illness. Though, time will only tell if the babe will reach adolescence and adulthood.

Rumors of arrangements of a betrothal had already been made. Rumors have said it to be between the young babe with Lord Hobert Hightower's only son, Ettore Hightower. Whilst rumors are not based in fact, nor are they reliable. I am unsure if the betrothal will continue.

20TH DAY OF 118 AC.

Within the fortnight of her arrival in Oldtown, young Lady Roselyn Tully, just upon her tenth name day, was married to young Lord Ettore Hightower, just turning eleventh on his recent name day. The wedding was considered a more solemn occasion, with both children crying continuously throughout the ceremony. Truthfully, it reminded me more of a funeral than of a wedding.

When asked about the tears, both lied saying they were simply happy to be wed. By the end of the celebrations, the young Lord Ettore confessed in the Sept that he did not wish to marry her for she was a stranger. The young Lady Roselyn confessed as well that she did not wish to remain in Oldtown nor marry the young Lord Ettore.

The bedding ceremony will not be conducted until Lady Roselyn's, four-and-ten name day.


The bedding ceremony of young Lady Roselyn and young Lord Ettore was a private affair. Sept Margaery as well as myself was present during the act. Both children successfully consummate the marriage after some coaxing from both myself and Sept Margaery.

Moon tea was later drunk by the Lady Roselyn to assure she would not be with child until her five-and-ten name day.

11TH MOON OF 122 AC.

The young married couple have yet to live in shared marital bedchambers, often sleeping in separate apartments. When the children do interact, it is rather tense and awkward. With good hopes, the pair will be able to find some form of common ground.

The young Lord Ettore going so far as to say, "She may be my wife. But, she is nothing but a strange girl. She speaks of the Riverlands and Riverrun, yet no letters from her family have been returned. One may wonder if they had her betrothed to me as to no longer having to be burdened with her."

The young couple have yet to product an heir.


The young couple recently went on a tour of the Reach. After the return, the young couple appear to be more happy and content with each other. Even going so far as to share a marital bedchambers without being ordered to do so. One hopes that this will continue on as the yearly years of their married were clouded with hesitation and fear.

The young couple have yet to product an heir. Concerns are beginning to form at the lack of an heir for the soon-to-be Lord Ettore Hightower.


The Lady Roselyn Tully and her husband, Lord Ettore Hightower, welcome their first and only child. A son named Benjen Hightower. Though the happiness was short lived, for days apart from each other. Both, her young husband and newborn son would die. A fever would take Lord Ettore, and a weak heart would take her newborn son, Benjen.

The young babe was believed to have been born far smaller and weaker than other's tended to by the midwives and Maesters, not even drinking from his Mother's breast nor the wet nurse's as he was so fragile. The Lord Ettore Hightower and young Benjen Hightower were buried in the family crypts below the Sept in Oldtown. They lie side by side together.

Going so far as to say, "The Gods of Old and New, the Seven, the Drowned God, have taken my Lord husband and son from me. I pray they will soon take me to spare me of the grief."

11TH MOON OF 129 AC.

The Lady Roselyn Hightower arrives in the Red Keep, alongside two of her personal servants. It was said that the royal family had waited for her in the courtyard. Rumors say that the King Aegon and Queen Consort Helaena Targaryen grew infatuated with the Lady Roselyn. With the couple going so far as to offer her a place within their marital bed.


After the loss of her young son, the Queen, Helaena Targaryen, stopped embroidering and speaking all together. She only wept and stared out in the air, not acknowledging as her family dragged her along the Red Keep. It was said that only when Lady Roselyn joined the Queen in her chambers each sunrise to sunset that joy would once again fill Queen Helaena. The pair have begun to grow close, but not as sister's. But, rather, more intimate.

Going so far as to say, "She is my sweet Helaena. The other half of me, of my heart. If I had been born a man, I would wish to have her as my wife."


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

Key [ To break down the funky way of dates are written ]

20th Day = 20th ( Aka. Like normal Modern day )

Moon = Month ( Aka. January, May, June, etc. )

131 AC = Year

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