Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Acelin


-Day after the party-

"Hey, Devi. Are you okay? You seemed weird since last night." I approached him hesitantly. He tensed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... tired." He replied.
He was my best friend, I knew something was wrong. I just didn't know what.
"Are you sure, Devi?"
"Yeah. I'm sure." He muttered. He was holding a book which I couldn't see the name of. The cover was purple with a black design on it. I shrugged it off.
"Well, do you want to hang out tomorrow?" I asked.
He sighed, pushing the book into his locker, "Lucas. We need to talk."

"And, you're a vampire?" I lifted an eyebrow. He nodded, "I'm a Life Vampire."
"And I'm guessing there are death vampires, too?" I asked, not fully believing him.
He nodded. "So, explain it to me. Everything."
He sighed, "Okay. When a human says 'I want to be a vampire' or something like that when near a vampire, they automatically get put on a list."
"A list for what?" I interrupted.
"The Changing List." He paused, "You'll be changed."
"And I can't take it back?"
He shook his head.
"Okay. Continue."
"There are four types of vampires, and three types of Mort-... humans. There's Life Vampires, like me, which watch over and protect humans. Then, there's Death Vampires, who watch over the dead. Then we get into the evil vampires,
"Blood Vampires. Which every vampire has been at once. All vampires are Blood Vampires when they're first turned. Some of them stay that way though. And then we have Dark Vampires. They come out in the night, and murder people." He played with his book.
"They're horrible, mean... Well, now we have the mortals. Uh, humans. The first type of human are Blood Slaves." He paused to scoff, "That explains itself, but I'll go over it. We drink their blood."
"Do you have a Blood Slave?"
He shook his head no, "Life Vampires and Death Vampires only need blood once a month. Unless we're fighting."
I looked at him, but he ignored the look.
"Next there's humans like you. Who have no idea we live with you. Lastly, there's hunters. The humans who want to kill us. All of us."
He looked at me, telling me he was finished.
"Are there werewolves, too? Fairies? Dragons?" I asked.
He smiled, "Everything exists, my friend. But not all in this world. Yes, werewolves to exist in this world, but they're very secretive."
I nodded.
"Here." He handed me his book.
"What's this for?"
"It's a Vampire's Guide To Life. How to get blood, how to control yourself...etc,."
"When you walk around the school, do you want to kill people?"
He nodded hesitantly, "Sometimes."
"Can you smell blood?"
"Will it hurt? Being changed?"
"How will it work?"
"The vampire chosen to change you, will do a blood exchange."
"What happens after that?"
"The vampire will show you the basics."
"Then he or she will leave?"
"No. They'll stick with you forever. But there is a catch."
"Which is?"
"You have to leave. You have to leave your parents and your life... everything. You have to change your name. Your appearance will change itself."
"When?" I asked.
"Well... you'll be changed tomorrow."
He nodded.
I paused. "What did you look like before you were changed?"
He grimaced, "I had blonde hair, and brown eyes. I was tan."
I looked at him. Dark brown almond hair with green eyes, pale skin... there's no way.
I simply nodded.
Leaving... everything...
"I'll read the book tonight."

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