Pillow Talk

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There is a bed with two warm bodies in it, in a small apartment in New Jersey. They breathe slowly, cramped against one another, sex still lingering in the musty air. Clothes are spread around, thrown off stressfully; moving boxes all day was hard work. The woman sits up, walking to the bathroom. The man watches as she walks away, keeping her hand in his until the last possible second.

His curly hair is messy, tousled and mussed by their desperate activity. One lock stays stubbornly in his line of vision, blocking his view of love. His smile returns as the bathroom door opens, love returning to his sight. She's pulling her panties and his shirt on, and throwing him his boxers, which he tugs on without leaving the bed.

She slides back under the covers quickly, snuggling back against him and sighing. The air is chilly; she shivers and wraps his arms around her. Whispers float back and forth over a concise space, maybe 'I love you' and an 'I love you more.' Or she says something about school, and he hushes her, not wanting to pollute their moment with talk of University brand stress. She hushes as asked, but she thinks anyway.

He mentions their mutual friends and she hums in response. They are supposed to meet them for dinner in a few hours. She rolls onto her back, sighing and staring at the ceiling. He strokes her face and hair, calling her pet names as she leans her head toward him, eyes half-closed and smiling just slightly. Princess, he calls her. Baby, Doll, Lovely. She is pleased, verbally pampered because that is all he can give her. As most people know, the budget of two college students can't go far.

Two hours later, and they are getting ready to leave. He comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. She giggles as his curls tickle her neck, chiding him through it for nearly making her mess her mascara. He tells her she's beautiful even when its running halfway down her cheeks, and she smiles. Aww, you're making me blush.


"Ray, check the glovebox for quarters or something. I only have about five, and I need at least seven." Y/n was digging through her backpack, on a desperate hunt for money. We needed food; there was nothing left in our apartment. How weird it was, referring to it as our apartment. Coupons were in a small stack on the dash, because we had reached the level of poor where we had to buy ramen on coupons just to get by, and we were still barely paying bills on time.

"I have two dollars in my pocket, hang on." I pulled out the crumpled money and handed it to her, still searching through the glovebox scraping out coins as I went. I collected two more dollars, as well as seventy-five cents. "What does that give us in total?" I asked, letting Y/n add it all up in her palm.

"Ten dollars, twenty-seven cents." She said, exhaustion audible in her voice. "I can probably get bag salad too." Carefully, she straightened the bills and placed them in her wallet and poured the coins into the zipper pocket of her little backpack. "Alright," she said. "I love you."

"I love you too." I grabbed her hand and kissed it, holding on a second longer than normal. She smiled tight, then kissed my lips softly. "I'll come get you in about an hour, okay?"

"Alright, good luck." She grinned and slid out of the car, pulling her jacket tighter around her.

As much as I would have liked to go in with her, I had to go pay the bills before our water got shut off. We were both greasy enough without having showers.

I held my breath as I waited for the check to process, praying to anything, fucking Garfield the Cat if he was there, that it would go through. The lady at the desk smiled at me. "Thank you sir, here's your receipt. Have a good day." I thanked her and wished her well, taking the receipt and leaving quickly to the warmth of my car.

The door shut, and yelled my gratitude loudly. "Thank you!" I shouted to the roof, rubbing my eyes and sighing. "Oh thank you. I promise I'll never sin again."

There was a vibration in my pocket. The screen of my phone read: Mikey...

"Hey man, what's up?"

"You busy?"

"Um, kind of." I said. "I'm going to pick up Y/n soon. Why?"

"'Cause we wanted to know if you could come get Frank and I from work. We lost our bus passes."

"Please!" Frank's voice yelled from the other line.

"God, fine." I groaned. "I'll be there."

"Thank you!" Frank's voice.

"Thanks man." Mikey said.

"I love you baby!" Frank again.

"Damnit Frank, shut the hell up!" Mikey yelled. "Sorry, bye." Mikey hung up.

Y/n dried off the last dish, placing it gently in the cupboard and leaned against the counter. "So..."

"So...?" I repeated.

"How did the payment go?" She grabbed my hands and pulled me to her, kissing my shoulders.

"Uuuhhmm..." I swallowed, not expecting the intimacy. "It went fine, the payment went through." Y/n scratched my scalp, sucking at my neck.

"Really? That's good..." She looked up at me, biting her lip. "I really don't know why, but that's really hot to me."

"Are you sexualizing our money troubles?" I asked, running one hand behind her back and one to her hip, pressing her against the counter.

"Maybe..." She mumbled. "I'm too poor to afford any actual kinks, just let me have this for now, okay?"

"Okay, princess." I took the opportunity to kiss her roughly, shoving my tongue in her mouth. One of her legs hiked up around my waist and I pressed up against her, letting her groan into my mouth. Eventually I pulled away and pulled her off the counter, pushing her all the way into our bedroom and onto the bed. So much for never sinning again.

Whats poppin' Beanie Babies? Its been so been so long since i did an actual authors note omg. I hope you enjoy the first chapter of the ray fic sequel. I certainly am. Also, if you guys want to ask me any questions, feel free to in the comments, im really bored so yeah.

Dizzy S. ♡♡

Dirt Poor (part two of I'm Only Living For You; A Ray Toro X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now