The eye is never satisfied with seeing: Part 1

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This story is something that I wrote up around 2 years ago, and based it on the theme/concept , "that the eye is never satisifed with seeing", and yea I had a really awesome time creating it. Its also what kinda started me writing storys and the like every now and then. So yea I decided to start my works on here with this, and yea, hopefully you guys have as much fun reading my works as I did creating them.

= )

Comments and constructive critisism is also really appreciated.



My heart thumping in my ears, shirt stained with blood, I raced to the car and jumped in though the passenger side open window. I thrust the key in, and with a roar of the engine i raced off into the night, cold grasps of the dark night.

Sweating all over, taking deep breaths I suddenly thought about what I had done...


It was 12:30 am on a Saturday night, the stars were out and they were bright but the night was unusually warm for the mid-winter in Lakewood, New Jersey. Steve, my brother and I had just driven in to the Jolly Roger Tavern, where as always Steve was given his task for the week. For 5 years now an underground group called the 'Carpa Amivenzez' had employed him. They are a ruthless group who specialise in stealing anything they think was valuable and sell it with discretion to, 'private buyers' around the globe or keep it for them selves. Their motive? It was for just one simple reason, that the eye was never just satisfied with seeing, they had to have it, own it, by any means necessary.

Steve was employed at first as muscle but he soon rose up because of his specialty of finding these, discreet buyers without attracting the attention of any Feds and finding the items of value and acquiring them. Although the difference today was that I now was going to join Steve and become part of the Carpa Amivenzez.

Steve told me even though today was my first job and if it was completed there was a guaranteed payout of $10,000! We entered the tavern and a strong scent of beer reached my nose, I scrounged my face, alcohol it was the worse drink on earth. I hated the sight, the smell and what it could do to a man when they drank too much...

My brother and I were ushered through the tavern; we were checked many times for any metal objects or dangerous materials by the numerous security guards.

We arrived at a large metalic door, to the back of the tavern. Steve knocked, we both walked in. Sitting in front of us was an averaged stature man, somewhere between 180-190 cm. His skin was very dark, but yet his face was of a white palish colour along with his hair. He had a strange oval face, a large nose and small eyes, each of a different colour, blue and green. Even so each was more piercing than the other and each told a story. This was not a man to be messed with, this was the Don of the Carpa Amivenzez, this was Secker Mendaro. Steve smiled and looked at me,

“Hey boss this is my brother I’ve been telling you about and he’s going to be a new friend of ours.”

“Good evening Steve, finally I have the opportunity to meet with your brother Light.”

“Yea he’s wanted to join us for a while now, well ever since he graduated from high school and realized that this was the only job he was capable of doing.”

Secker Mendaro chuckled and then suddenly looked at me. I suddenly felt cold and scared as I looked into those piercing eyes. “Welcome Light if you are anything like your older brother here, you will be welcome with open arms into our family”, Secker Mendaro laughed.

“Well lets get down to business, Steve since today is your brothers first day we shall start small, today’s hit shall be a simple jewellery store, such as the Tiffany and Co down at Short Hills, New Jersey”, he smiled.

Simple! I thought to my self. Tiffany was one of the largest jewellers in world, they had branches in America, in Europe and through out the Asia Pacific. I was suddenly brought back by the dark cold voice of Secker Mendaro,

“Are you up for it Light?”

“Yes”, I stammered as I started to suddenly sweat.

“Well with your brother’s help you had better not fail me, or those open arms I told you about well lets just say they will close, close around you. Comprende?”

“Comprende”, I nervously replied. As we were walking out Secker Mendaro gave Steve an unusual smile and a nod of the head. I decided to ignore it as sign of friendship.

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