War Zone - Zayn Malik

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Staring out the window, I admired the country side view I lived in with my family. Living somewhere people normally wouldn’t visit for vacation is always nice; but people call us the townies. We were your typical country style, highly Christian family. Our old cabin house out in the woods where a pond was in the back; every spring and summer the geese would herd up to the pond, laying their eggs for the season until their babies are born, creating more birds to flock in our back yard. The cool breeze drifting through the windows at night is such an enjoyment from the dreadfully hot summer nights, to the cool breezy night time mood, a mood where you pick up a good book, sit out on your front porch and read while watching the moon glare it’s beams across the horizon and the stars glimmer through the black clouds creating its own natural light.

My father was your typical lumber jack man, with his flannels he would wear every day, his collection of guns, tools, possibly anything you could imagine your hard core man would collect. My mother is your house bunny, dresses to impress her ‘honey-bunny’; what she would call my father. She is your typical beach blonde babe with her plastic breasts and her perfect soccer mom body. Even though we lived near nobody, and our local markets and local gas stations never had anyone there for business, she would always get dolled up anywhere she went. My brother, Klein, is your stereotypical older brother; extremely protective. He always makes sure I’m doing fine with any guys and if they ever give me ‘trouble’ I would have to tell Klein so he could teach them a lesson. He’s quite the embarrassing one as well when I ever bring home guys, he would always share embarrassing stories about me to make sure they never talk to me again because apparently I can’t have a boyfriend in his eyes which aggravates me since I’m an eighteen year old girl; a senior to be exact; who still hasn’t had her first boyfriend, all thanks to my lovely brother.

I on the other hand; am a blonde thanks to my mother’s lovely genes, and have blue eyes and a curvier, fuller body. I’m really nothing special, I get straight A’s, perfect attendance every year in school and have one great best friend and her name is Georgia. Georgia is your playful, bubbly red head with freckles but she carries them well with her bright brown eyes. She always thought Klein was hot, and it freaks me out because knowing your friend thinks your brother is hot is odd; I don’t know.

I go to St. Johnson’s High School in Alabama, your country side state; where the birds sang each morning in the clear blue sky; the neighbors knew you like the back of your hand, well; if you actually had neighbors. If you count animals as neighbors, then my family and I had plenty of neighbors, like an urban neighborhood.

This was going to be my last year in high school, and honestly I couldn’t wait any longer for it to end. It seems like I’ve been here for ages and when people say ‘oh high school is the best part of your life; all the parties and friends and boyfriends’; that’s a complete lie. High school is not the best part of your life, it’s one of the worst parts in my opinion, I mean I really couldn’t say much since I never really lived much yet compare to some others, but all in my opinion it’s not that great. The parties in my school were all drugs and sex; drugs were a huge problem in our school, mostly cocaine and heroin; thankfully I don’t talk to those kind of people that associate with those types of drugs; my friends and I stay away from those people because knowing my parents they would literally murder me if they found out I ever did such a thing; and don’t even get me started on Klein.

The ‘popular kids’; as they would call them, were the people your parents would warn you about, all about the sex drugs and alcohol. Their rich parents would buy them anything they wanted like their desired cars or clothes; even plastic surgery which I’m highly against even though my own mother turned to it for a breast implant but I have no right to judge her actions. One person in particular, Penelope; everyone’s worst nightmare, she had the hot body, the hot boyfriend, the best car and the best clothes; nobody could outwit her in a battle of words, just her in general she’s a total bitch. She had obviously dyed jet black hair, brown eyes and overly plucked eyebrows that were done way to thin; and you cannot forget about her perfect quarterback boyfriend Patrick. Sometimes, the reasons why I think she’s so thin is probably because she’s so hyped up on cocaine and heroin but I don’t want to speak too soon.

My school is a mess and I hate it, but my friend said there was this ‘hot juicy new guy’ coming this year and who’s in our grade, and I’m just dying to know who it is.

Oh, by the way my name is Alexandra; but people call me Alex. 

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